
I've been in two minds for weeks about whether to post this and put this out there for your opinions and stories, but it driving me mad and after searching Google I feel no better!!!!!!

I went for my NT scan at 13 weeks and the baby wasn't lying in the right position to get the fluid measurement, so i had to do start jumps, go for a walk, tilt my cervix etc etc....you name it I tried it. But they still couldn't get an accurate reading, my little bean just didn't want to play ball!!
So they sent us away for a 10 minute walk whilst they scanned another woman.

When we went back in she was ummming and arrrring about it not being quite in the right place and that we might need to opt for an internal - ok I thought that’s fine!!

Then I jumped up and down again and she scanned me again.

Then she turned to the other sonographer and said this??
"Well I think I got a 1.7 earlier and I think I might have just got a 1.9, so shall we just call it a 1.8 as i don’t think an internal will be any better"

So they went with the 1.8 - so my DS result came back as 1:3700 - which ordinarily i would be happy about, but it sounds to us like they have completely guessed our scan results!!

I said to her "I don’t mean to sound funny, but it sounds like you're guessing"

Anyway, we obviously pee'd her off by saying that, as she ignored us for the rest of the appointment and would only let us have 1 picture when I asked for more she said NO!!

So...........(Sorry for long post) we have a good result, but it sounds made up/guessed??

What do you think? My midwife said it sounds fine, and didn't really seem bothered about the whole guessing and shouting at us thing!!??

Please help me put my mind at rest??

Thank you!!

Gem xxxx