I am rather obsessed with writing Connie scripts. Don't know where this is going just randomly started writing it and i got lea to go over it and she came up with the name soo thanksx

I wander the corridors aimlessly. Unsuspecting tears leaking from the corner of my eyes, no matter how hard I squeeze them to shut to try and not let them come. I'm even surprised I can cry so much in one day. I don't know whether i'm crying for Sam or for Grace. The man I think I love but I hate at times. Or the daughter I have slowly been neglecting cause of work. I know I shouldn't be neglecting her, but i mean i'm a single parent; well technically i'm not, but let's not go into Sam cause I could basically be here all day pointing out why I love him, but why I find him irresponsible. But Grace I mean I neevr thought I could be the motherly type; I'm far too much of an alcoholic. Sometimes I drink too much. Don't have any family to look after her. Hense why I resorted to a Nanny. And guess what? I blamed her for Grace's fall when technically it was my fault. I should of sorted the baby gate, I really should of. My number one priority should be Grace. Then Work. Then Sam. Cause after all he is the father to Grace. And I guess in a way I have let him down but I don't want Grace getting close to him and then him leaving her and me having to pick up all the pieces.

Yeah it is rather short but they're should be more coming tonight at some point hopefullyx