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Thread: Are kids spoilt?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Well that is ok - we are all trying to keep up with you, lol.

    Actually, we are not. I really believe that you should do things for yourself and your family thay you want and that keeping up with the Jones's or
    anyone else is just a receipe for unhappiness.

    my father and his sister were terrible rivels - and anything that the one got the other got better. I watched it as a child and I couldn't live like that. When my brother got a 50inch TV I just said that is fab - we will be visiting you for the world cup!
    Last edited by Trinity; 06-11-2007 at 15:13.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    South Wales
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    I personally feel that being spoilt is when parents lavish gifts on their children every other week, for no reason at all..or if they give into their children when they pester for gifts (the latest games console, new mobile phone etc).

    I think that it's quite surprising what younger kids do have nowadays. I didn't get a mobile phone until I was in secondary school (think i got my first phone when i was 13) and I know I did get my television in my room when i was about 8 years old but that was for Christmas, and that was my big present as I had been good all year. I didn't get my laptop or my first computer until I was in my teens, the same as my games console and Freeview box. I only get big gifts at Christmas or on birthdays..same as when I was younger, so I don't think I've ever been spoilt personally - just got 'big' presents for being good, trying my best at school all year round.

    I personally feel that younger kids (say 10 or under) shouldn't have big gifts until Christmas or on their birthdays, if they've been good. Being younger is all about spending time with the family anyway, and doing things together - opposed to just buying gifts to please children, in my opinion.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    i think society has changed, if i got a colouring book and a few books for xmas now, i probably wouldn't be best pleased, yet when my mum was young it was a lot! i think some kids are spoilt, i'm a young leader and there's some age 10 with mobiles, ipods, cameras, tvs etc- i didn't get any of this stuff until i was at least 13 so i think everything is coming earlier- older siblings get something and th younger ones will want it too. in a way i'm fairly lucky to be in the situation of if i want it, i'll work for it and save up- i don't like asking for anything because that's how i've been brought up, but i know with my cousins it's a different story- my aunt actually told my dad how much money we should give them for their birthdays because £10 isn't enough!
    so yeah, i believe we live in a consumer society where everyone is in competition with each other and it's all changed.

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