Monday 2nd July

Alf nearly runs down Sally while driving illegally. Kim and Rachel's marriage is in tatters. Brad's negligence results in Colleen getting a very unpleasant surprise.

Tuesday 3rd July

Kim finally makes the painful choice between Rachel and Kit. Cassie is excited to be offered her first job. Alf seeks medical advice for his failing eyesight and isn't pleased by the outcome.

Wednesday 4th July

Jazz returns to stir up the Bay and gets a rude awakening of her own. Rachel begins life without Kim. An argumentative Alf is struggling to come to terms with growing older.

Thursday 5th July

Drew turns down a job and gets given an ultimatum. Lucas tries to buy a new boat and is accused of deception. Belle's sent home from work to sober up.

Friday 6th July

Alf is shocked by the eye test results. Lucas pulls on his footy boots again and goes head-to-head with Geoff. Naomi changes her story and delivers Brad a knock-out punch. Matilda continues to hang out with Reuben and Ric doesn't like it one bit.