'Ego Is Not A Dirty Worm'
Tuesday, January 2 2007 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

As wedding preparations increase Sky is close to breaking point with her own deceit – and Dylan’s loyalty to Stingray only compounds her guilt. On the verge of revealing all to Dylan she collapses. With her admission to hospital, Karl warns that she is putting her life and the life of her baby at risk. Resigned to her fate, Sky can no longer keep the real identity of her baby’s father a secret. Risking everything she prepares to tell Dylan all...

Theresa is devastated when Carmella reveals her cousin’s baby is dead - and blames only Carmella for the tragic death. With Sky is admitted to the same hospital ward, unstable Theresa becomes fixated, assuming her to be a resentful mother-to-be who does not want her baby.

When Stingray admits his struggle to stay off the grog, Dylan declares the need for brotherly bonding and plans a camping trip. When Rachel hears of the trip she offers to go in lieu of Dylan; she is Stingray’s girlfriend and is keen to prove herself to be a worthy one.

Through hypnotherapy Lou discovers that Mishka chose her husband over him, threw him down a flight of stairs and told him to find love back in Australia. Shocked by the revelations Lou’s resolved anew to move on with his life – with Janelle.

Zeke sacrifices his interest in Bree and worm farms as he continues his model mania, dragging Susan along with him.

'When A Stranger Stalls'
Wednesday, January 3 2007 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Sky finally tells Dylan that he’s not the father of her unborn child. Karl fears Dylan might try to physically harm Sky in retaliation but confused and angry Dylan punishes her emotionally instead, promising to forgive her if she gives up the baby for adoption. Sky’s appalled, and so is Loris. She has stern words with her grandson, making him realise that he may still be able to forgive Sky and accept the baby as his own. Dylan makes Sky a tentative offer of peace, suggesting they can go to counselling and try to work through their issues on the condition Sky never lies to him again. In the meantime, Harold has convinced Sky that she must come clean about the father’s true identity. Sky desperately wants to accept Dylan’s offer, but she knows in her heart that she can’t deceive him again…

Stingray’s camping trip with Rachel goes swimmingly until he finds a discarded bottle of booze. Rachel is relieved to witness him vanquish temptation, and the couple bond closer than ever – totally oblivious to the shocking dramas unfolding at home.

Harold thinks it’s best for Lou to stay away from Janelle, worried that his feeling for her might just be a reaction to Mishka’s shocking treatment. Lou agrees - but the moment Janelle needs his support his resolve melts.

Janelle softens towards Loris and permits her to move into the house on a ‘trial basis’.

When Karl and Susan talk calmly through an issue and snuggle afterwards, Audrey decides that Karl might be okay after all.

'Brother Can You Spare A Slime'
Thursday, January 4 2007 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Dylan’s world is rocked by the revelation that Stingray is the father of Sky’s baby. Horribly betrayed, he denounces her and goes in search of his brother. Returning from his camping trip with Rachel an unwitting Stingray is confronted by an eerily calm Dylan, eager to take him away for a buck’s night.

Their disappearance rocks Sky who rightly fears for Stingray’s safety. Janelle, only just recovered from hearing Dylan’s not the father is furious when Harold and Lou tell her that the father is in fact Stingray. She condemns Sky for her treacherous behaviour and for the deceitful abuse of their friendship. The search is on for the Timmins boys but Janelle struggles to remain calm, hoping that Dylan has just taken Scott away to give him the flogging that, in her mind, he rightly deserves. But Bree is in no doubt that Dylan wants to kill Stingray and Janelle’s forced to believe the worst when neither son returns home by nightfall. Bree’s respect crumbles and she blames Sky for destroying her family. Sky is left feeling distraught and alone. Dylan, now armed with the knowledge of his brother’s betrayal takes the pair of them into the city promising Stingray a night he’ll never forget. Stingray’s excited, completely oblivious to his brother’s thirst for revenge.

Zeke plays his first game with the Dingoes and triumphantly scores the winning point for the game - after the siren. He’s a hero!

'The Remains Of The Dad'
Friday, January 5 2007 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Stingray’s world is turned upside down when betrayed Dylan reveals cheating Stingray as the father of Sky’s baby, not Dylan. But before Stingray can even begin to digest this shocking news, things get even worse: Dylan declares Stingray’s no longer his brother; Janelle boots him out of home; and Rachel ends their relationship! Has Stingray hit rock bottom?

Sky is shocked to learn her unborn baby’s life is in danger unless she remains in hospital and rests up. The good thing is that Sky has the company of affable new roommate Teresa.

Lou supports Janelle through her troubled times and is surprised when Janelle reveals that she at last shares his feelings.

Rachel expresses concern about her future with father-to-be Stingray and Karl thinks Susan’s being soft, believing that Rachel is far too good for Stingray. Susan worries that Karl’s harsh words may have upset Rachel, but is surprised when Rachel confesses she actually likes Karl’s strong paternal stance – it reminds her of Alex’s love.

Loris continues to muscle her way into Lassiter’s decision-making but Paul thwarts her every attempt. At least Loris has Harold’s steady friendship to rely upon but does she realise that Harold is rapidly falling head over heels in love with her?

Susan busts Karl’s dodgy dealings with the dog shrink.