Are you glad you came?

Definitely! I had a lot of fun!

Did you think you could have had a lasting relationship with anyone on the Island?

I dunno ... its a strange environment! I would like to see Kez again after this though ....

Do you think anyone on the Island will get it together and stay together after this has finished?

No i think a few of the relationships started were just to 'pair up' to gain votes *cough* jude *cough*

Would you change anything about your time on the Island?

Not at all! Well ... maybe be around a bit more .. but then santa has lots of work to do at this time of year!

Can I just say a big thanks to Ems and Luna for doing this ... especially so close to Xmas when they must have been tearing their hair out with personal stuff. Its ok for us contestants ... if its too much we can quit ... but they cant !

SO thanks guys for making the last few weeks interesting!