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Thread: UK Spoilers : 2nd October - 6th October

  1. #1
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    UK Spoilers : 2nd October - 6th October

    'Mishka Impossible'
    Airs Monday, October 2 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

    Stingray confirms he slept with Sky and Rachel’s gutted. But she hides her hurt, putting on a brave face. Stingray organises a chastely romantic night away to make it up to her, unaware Susan and Karl have booked in at the same retreat. The two secretive couples are on a collision course – it’s only a matter of time before each of them is busted.

    Keen to move into a house of their own, Janae skips school to meet a real estate agent. Max witnesses their apparently flirtatious exchange and immediately suspects infidelity. Torn, he’s tempted to tell Boyd but knows it’ll look like sour grapes. He enlists Steph’s help and she reluctantly passes it on to Boyd. Knowing the truth, Boyd and Janae decide to wind Max up to teach him a lesson.

    After a sleepless night fretting over Mishka, Lou’s worst fears are confirmed – her husband’s goons forced her to return to Russia. Managing to make phone contact Lou wants to head to Russia to find her but she asks him not to. She’d prefer to sort out her family issues alone. Lou begins to suspect he’s fallen victim to another predatory gold-digger but Harold helps restore Lou’s faith in Mishka’s true love.

    Struggling to cope with Kim’s absence, Bree secretly joins a support group for the recently bereaved as an outlet for her pain.

    'Second To Nun'
    Airs Tuesday, October 3 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

    Rachel and Stingray clear the air over Stingray sleeping with Sky, only to be met with another dilemma; Susan springs them together, and they in turn discover her with Karl. The two women are furious, but Rachel even more so as she believes Susan is betraying the memory of her father. Rachel moves into the Scully house and reminds her that Susan will have to deal with an upset Zeke as well.

    Janelle tries to get Harold onside to reunite Sky and Dylan, but he feels the softer approach is better. Sky, meanwhile, has bigger things on her mind when Elle asks for their friendship back. Sky can see she’s genuine and accepts, even offering advice about winning over Janelle!

    Ned finds out (via Carmella) that Justine had been using him all this time and ends the relationship; but starts a stronger friendship with Carmella.

    Sister Mary Catherine is battling with her faith – a battle momentarily lost when she reverts back to feisty Carmella to help out Ned.

    'And Then There Was Nan'
    Airs Wednesday, October 4 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

    Izzy feels increasingly shut out as Paul and Gail seemingly come close together as a family unit with Elle. In the heat of the moment she suggest Paul and Gail should just get remarried, then backtracks by suggesting at the least it might flush Robert out. Paul is immediately taken by the idea. Izzy regrets opening her mouth, but is reassured by Paul’s sincere declaration that she’s the only woman for him. However once Gail and Paul have announced their false engagement, Paul reveals what a two faced schemer he is, telling Gail he still loves her.

    When Janelle continues to force a bond with Sky, Dylan calls her on it, accusing her of being disloyal to him, cruel to Elle, and less than honest with Sky. Janelle takes no heed and attends an in-utero group with Sky. When Janelle continues to rub Elle’s nose in it, Elle firmly stands her ground, telling Janelle that if she’s keeps it up, she’ll loose her son. Janelle is forced to rethink her tactics.

    Sky discovers Bree at a Grief Support meeting and after some gentle coaxing, Bree opens up and confides to feeling alone and unwanted after being rejected by her birth parents. Sky makes Bree realise that what matters is love, not blood, and Bree is left feeling enlightened.

    After a farcical performance at Lassiters, which sees Karl and Ned trying to out do each other the pair are forced to see what idiots they’ve been and ‘Oodles ‘o Noodles’ reforms.

    'It's A Grave Day For The Irish'
    Airs Thursday, October 5 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

    Rob shadows Katya, but Toadie’s presence keeps her safe. Angry, Rob sends Toadie a clue, and police are called to dig up Rob’s roses. Connor’s body isn’t found, and his whereabouts stays a mystery. Meanwhile, Rob sets the trap for Katya.

    Though tempted, Gail pulls away from Paul – her first priority is the kids. Lyn urges her to
    rethink, but Gail declines. While asking Lyn’s help, Izzy realises Lyn is in love with Paul. Izzy’s scathing, and warns Lyn not to meddle.

    Izzy’s wary of Sister Mary Catherine, but Carmella proves herself to be a friend still.

    Lyn suspects Boyd and Janae are only winding Max up. Max is confident Janae couldn’t outwit him.

    Janae’s web-cam footage of Toadie’s dancing goes online, and becomes a must-have email attachment.

    'Cupid And Psycho'
    Airs Friday, October 6 2006 at 17:35 BST on BBC One

    To Katya’s horror, Robert reveals himself as the driver of her taxi. He soon secrets her in a campervan and unveils his bizarre plan: he wants them to drive off into the sunset and enjoy a wonderful life together. In a desperate gambit, Katya encourages Robert’s fantasy, giving the impression she wants to spend her life with him too. Desperate to waylay Robert and give the police a chance to apprehend him, she draws his attention to Paul and Gail’s apparent wedding announcement. Will Robert stay to finally deal with his father, once and for all?

    Susan attempts to heal the rift with Rachel and convince her to return to live at the Kennedy house. Rachel’s anger remains unbowed, however, and she confides to Lyn the hurt and betrayal she feels over Susan’s burgeoning relationship with Karl. But as news spreads of Katya’s disappearance, Susan’s anguish and care for her adopted family becomes plain. Will Rachel’s anger soften in the face of such maternal devotion?

    Lou surrounds himself with mementos of Mishka’s stay and Harold fears he’s wallowing in a pall of grief. Harold’s urging for Lou to buck up falls on deaf ears until an unexpected reminder of Mishka’s character inspires Lou to shrug off his melancholy and make a vow – he’ll go to Russia to bring his beloved home!

    Max organises a Baby-belt photo shoot to restore Steph’s wounded self-image. Will she embrace the idea and love the camera?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Thanks, they sound great! I do wish sky and dylan would hurry up and sort things out!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanked: 1380
    Good luck with that thought, i can't see that ever happening.

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