Monday 14th August
Elle concocts her lowest scheme yet to win back Dylan. Sky fears Karl may have leaked her secret to Susan. Reckless Stingray comes up with a "brilliant idea" to impress a top director.

Tuesday 15th August
Elle struggles to maintain her outrageous ruse as Sky does the noble thing and gives Dylan up forever. Izzy blabs Paul's darkest secret in a jealous rage. Steph refuses to believe that Lyn is having a secret affair.

Wednesday 16th August
Paul's murderous past comes back to haunt him - but Lyn's determined to save his soul. Karl can't get Izzy's passionate embrace out of his mind. Katya entices Max to runaway for the weekend. Toadie starts dancing to Ned's show tune!

Thursday 17th August
Anne wins Janelle's sympathy - until Janelle finds something disturbing in Anne's bag. Lou returns, mysteriously out of love with Mishka and ready for someone new: Janelle! Karl spends his first night at the Kinski house as Susan's official "boyfriend".

Friday 18th August
Katya realises she's falling in love with Max. Anne goes to great lengths to protect her secrets - but just what is she hiding? Lou's weird new love knows no bounds - and Janelle's happy to exploit it!