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Thread: thanks (the bill)

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    srry i was in the world of my own at frist tilli sent it sorry

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
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    great scrpit ....... well done more soon!

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Hants, England.
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    Aww, it's so good, aww!! Poor Phil, poor Sam!

    (Can't blame Grant - Fan as we've been talking about both Sam and Phil, they're in both The Bill and Eastenders which is funny but the other caharcters are a little give away init? Oh well, just make sure people don't turn nasty againts the user, we all make mistakes!!)

  4. #44
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    Chapter 8

    Sam was sat, in her own little world, at her desk in CID, when Gina Gold walked through the doors.

    Gina approached her. “I thought you might still be up here.”

    Sam straightened up in her chair. “Yeah”, she said stretching, “I’ve just got these case files to finish off.”

    “Sam, have you been here all night?”

    “Huh?” Sam looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. Seeing that it was already gone 7 in the morning, and that she had indeed been sitting there since about 9 the previous night, Sam suddenly sprung into action, collecting up all the notes that she hadn’t really touched all night.

    “Sorry Gina, I have to go. Abi will be wondering where I am . . . and I start my shift in nearly an hour . . . and I have to change . . .”

    She made a move to leave, before Gina placed a hand on her arm, halting her sudden bolt for the doors.

    “Sam, Abi is fine, she called here a minute ago to say that she stayed at a friends last night. She said it got late last night and since you didn’t answer any of her calls last night, she assumed that you’d be here working on a case, so she didn’t want to disturb you. She tried your mobile this morning but it was turned off, so she rang the station.”

    “Oh, ok then.” Sam sank back down into her seat, sighing as she went.

    “Sam, are you ok?”

    “Yeah, sure, I’m fine,” Sam avoided eye contact.

    Sam looked up to see Gina staring sceptically at her with raised eyebrows.

    Sam looked back down at her desk again. “It’s just . . .” She couldn’t seem to find the right words.


    “He didn’t do it Gina.”

    “Yes, well, while I very much believe you, it’s not me he has to convince. DPS are not going to take this lightly Sam.”

    “I know.”

    Gina hated to see her look so defeated. “All Phil has to do is tell the truth and I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

    Sam smiled, wishing she felt as confident as Gina sounded.

    “I just . . . “


    “I only just got him in my life Gina. I mean, properly in my life.”

    Gina acknowledged this with a nod and a smile, before Sam continued.

    “I can’t lose him already Gina, I won’t.”

    Sam didn’t usually like to show her vulnerable side, but she hadn’t the energy left to protest when Gina made her way around Sam’s desk, and swept her into a hug.

    this is only a short chapter, and i will update later tonight with the next

    please keep reviewing


    Last edited by baby oranges; 21-03-2006 at 19:24.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Hants, England.
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    Aw, love it. Short and sweet! Don't make them all that short though!! lol. Very good though, I like the way how she's stayed there ALL night! Also the way Gina's all touchy feely in this, lol, makes me laugh. Sam's tougher than she is! Not a problem though. It's good.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    awww, as becky said short and sweet!

  7. #47
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    Chapter 9

    “Interview with Detective Sergeant Phillip Hunter commencing at 8.35am. Officers present are DCI Meadows and MCI Keane.” Jack stated for the benefit of the tape. He let Keane take the lead.

    “So, DS Hunter, would you like to tell us what happened up at Long Marsh prison yesterday?”

    Phil nodded before beginning. “I went to the prison with Zain and Mickey to follow up a lead about Smithy. We were searching through a suspect’s cell, Marty Johnson’s. We heard a commotion coming from downstairs. I said I’d go and find out what was happened. You know, see if I could help or anything?”

    “You went alone. You left DC’s Webb and Nadir searching Johnson’s cell?”

    “Yeah”, Phil answered.

    “Go on Phil”, Jack encouraged.

    “I got down to the main dining area, to find two of the inmates had kicked off at each other. They were both really going for one another. I looked past them to see Johnson grinning like some kind of Cheshire cat. I looked back towards the fight to see the guards had begun to regain some control over the situation and when I looked back, Johnson was gone.”

    “So you followed him?”

    “He’d been stood next to the shower block, so I assumed that’s where he’d gone. He wouldn’t have had time to get any further away from me. I only looked away for a second. I got inside the showers and saw Johnson standing there, but he had his back to me. I walked towards him, and suddenly he just turned and fell on me, covered in blood. I shouted for help and that’s when the prison guards found us.”

    DCI Keane was the first to speak. “When you left the cell, had you found anything incriminating in Johnson’s cell? Anything that might link him to Larson or anything to suggest he may have set Sergeant Smith up?”

    “Not when I left, no.”

    “And you and Sergeant Smith are good friends are you not?”

    Phil had no idea what Keane was on about, but answered his question anyway, “I suppose so”, he said with a shrug.

    “You have a reputation around here don’t you DS Hunter? As a bit of a bad boy? Likes to get results with minimal work, no matter how many rules you break?”

    Phil frowned in confusion.

    He wasn’t the only one, as Jack came to his defence before he had time to formulate an answer. “DCI Keane, it is not Phil’s past in question here, no matter how dubious it may or may not be. I think we should remain focused on the particular incident in question here.”

    “Ah, but I think that particular past has everything to do with this particular incident DCI Meadows”, DCI Keane told him in no uncertain terms. You see? I think Mr Hunter can be quite good with his fists when he wants to be. Isn’t that right Mr Hunter?”

    Phil just looked at the DCI. He actually thinks I did it, Phil realised, He really believed I stabbed Johnson.

    “Ok, so you were searching Johnson’s cell and couldn’t find anything to link him to Sergeant Smith, which makes you mad right? Then you hear noises from below, and already hacked off at not being able to help Smithy, you go downstairs pumped, perhaps looking for a fight.”

    Jack tried to intervene, “DCI Keane?”

    Keane either wasn’t listening, or he was just ignoring him, as he continued on at Phil. “What you find is an already escalated fight, with Johnson, the original source of your anger, who appears to laughing at the situation, maybe even us. He gets some sort of kicks, while your friend is locked up with a bunch of low-life criminals for something you believe he didn’t do.”

    “He didn’t.” Phil told him, matter of fact.

    Keane shrugged, “Be that as it may, you followed him into the showers and finding yourself alone with him, he began to wound you up. Taunt you. Maybe even insult you. This fuels your already built up anger, as he produces a knife out of somewhere, maybe his pocket. Maybe he had it hidden in the showers. He comes at you with it and you wrestle him to the floor. You fight for several moments, and somehow manage to get on top, knocking the knife from his hand. You pick the knife up, rage taking over, you only see red now, you only see what this scumbag has done to your friend, and you stab him in the chest.” Phil was still shaking his head emphatically. “After a couple of seconds, you realise your mistake. You realise what you’ve done and you shout for the prison guards. Isn’t that right DS Hunter? You gave into your temper, and now a young man is lying in the hospital in intensive care. Because of you.”

    Phil lost it, smashing his hands down on the desk and rising to his feet in one swift movement, shouting “No, that’s not what happened.”

    There was a knock on the door, Gina Gold popped her head around the door and asked Jack, “Can I have a word please sir?”

    Phil sank back down into his chair with a heavy sigh, his head in his hands.

    Jack turned back to Phil, “Interview suspended at 8.52am. He switched the tape off.

    As Jack and Frank left the interview room, a uniformed office entered to keep an eye on Phil, until the interview was ready to be continued.

    As Jack shut the door behind him, he walked over the corridor to where Gina was stood with Keane. He could see that she looked rather distressed.

    “What is it Gina? What’s wrong?” he asked immediately.

    “Zain just called me from the hospital. Marty Johnson died half an hour ago.”

    “Oh great”, Jack said, “That’s just what we need.”

    “He had an undetected blood clot in one of his main arteries. They took him into surgery but it was too late.”

    Keane was left to state the obvious, as neither Jack nor Gina wanted to. “Then, this is now a murder investigation. We’ll take a 15 minute break, and then I want us back in that interview room.” He walked down the corridor and up the stairs to wards CID, passing Samantha on the stairs, who was on her way down.

    Gina turned back to Jack, “How is he?” she asked.

    She had looked away before she saw Sam come down the stairs, and both her and Jack were unaware she was silently approaching them.

    “Well, if he was alright before, he’s not now”, Jack told her. “He could be on a murder charge and Keane’s already convinced that Phil’s guilty. He really laid into him before Gina, and like he pointed out, this is now a murder investigation.”

    Sam felt something stick in her throat as she came up behind Gina.

    “Murder?” she all but squeaked.

    Gina turned sharply, “Sam? What are you doing? I didn’t know you were there.”

    “There’s been some news Sam”, she tried to break it to her gently.

    “What kind of news?”

    Jack took over, “Zain called from the hospital to tell us that Marty Johnson died half an hour ago Sam.”

    “But you’ve cleared Phil of any involvement right?” she asked, the hope plain to see in her eyes.

    Gina looked down at her, “We’re doing everything we can Sam.”

    Sam felt tears form behind her eyes. “Can I see him?”

    i hope people are not too mad at me for this story. i know its really sad - its depresses me when i write it

    but you never know, it may have a happy ending *wink wink*

    please keep reviewing though

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Naughty DCI Keane, I don't like him, he's mean!!!!!

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    I never liked Keane, he nearly got Jack locked up

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    he is evil! bbbbbboooooooo!lol

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