After the barney in the bedroom, Team Saskia retired to the kitchen to lick their wounds.

And as Saskia, Craig and Anthony circled the wagons to exchanged moral support, Maxwell was called to the Diary Room.

Craig, as usual, was the first to get out his claws and offer his opinion on Kemal: "He can ******* off the little t***, it's disgusting. You're having a kiss and a cuddle on your last few nights, the spiteful little b******!"

Saskia was about to reply but Craig wasn't finished and blurted to Anthony: "I couldn't believe he came out and said it! This from a man whose best friend has been trying it on with you for the last five weeks."

"I'm surprised he had the balls to say it," Saskia added.

Craig, never one to miss an opportunity for the dramatic, announced that the incident had "really upset him" and warned: "I ain't doing a task with that p****, he can ******* off."

Perhaps the Shakespearean ballet should be changed to a Greek tragedy?

Maxwell, sitting silently and clearly still angry, held out his hand to show the others how much it was shaking. He was then called to the Diary Room.

Once in there he seemed to calm down and told Big Brother: "It's not as if we were bucking like teenagers, we were quiet."

Returning to his usual self he said: "And what magazines are going to sign me up? I might have a centre-page spread in The Beano perhaps - I look like one of the Bash Street Kids."

After being asked to do so by Big Brother, he recounted what was said during the argument, and then began to see the funny side of Kemal's "wet" comment.

"It was quite funny actually," he laughed. "But I do the jokes alright Kemal?"