Ste Hay’s already fragile world has fallen apart once in Hollyoaks as he has been told that his drug taking has led to him sustaining brain damage – which explains the recent blackouts and memory lapses he has been suffering.

Viewers saw Harry insist that Ste gets a checkup and after a brain scan, Ste was left stunned by the diagnosis. In the wake of the bad news, which could have dramatic implications on Ste’s long term health, Ste will be left feeling low but there is even more heartbreak in store for him as Amy and Ryan announce that they are going for full custody of Leah and Lucas.

The revelation leaves Ste despairing as his condition is unlikely to help his case for being able to provide a more stable home life for Leah and Lucas than Amy and Ryan can. Ryan will make Ste even worse by refusing to let him spend time with Leah but before long, Ste will get his fight back.

Tony is delighted when he attends Citizen’s Advice to find out his rights and as he vows to better himself for Leah and Lucas, he could finally be on the right track.