Episode 5911
Monday 14th June 2010

Just when Donna is starting to really believe Nick could be her Dad, a spanner is thrown in the works. Donna is forced to reconsider her options when a surprise arrival throws her world into turmoil…

Life is looking up for Ringo. Naomi – the young woman he saved – turns out to be a student at his Uni, and it’s pretty clear she’s interested in him. But does Naomi have another agenda?

Episode 5912
Tuesday 15th June 2010

Libby’s finding it hard to stop thinking about what went wrong with her date with Doug. When she runs into him while he’s on another date, her fears are confirmed. She vents to Steph and Toadie, vowing that she wants nothing to do with Doug. They both see through her façade and convince her to call and arrange another date. But they’re unaware they are setting Libby up with Steph’s Doctor, someone who knows the truth about Steph’s conception date...

Donna is determined to withdraw her consent from the DNA test process. She shares her fears with Zeke who helps her realise that never knowing would be much worse than the fifty-fifty chance the result won’t go her way. Donna makes the brave choice and opens the envelope. Who’s the Daddy?

Episode 5913
Wednesday 16th June 2010

Forced to share a drink with Libby and her new man, Steph’s stress levels hit a new high. Sick of putting out fires, she decides to find another doctor. But Steph’s troubles have only just begun...

It's the first meeting of the Bloke's Club. When the guys decide a President of the Club needs to be elected, everyone thinks Lucas is the man for the job, except Karl. Meanwhile, Naomi hampers with the Club's meeting. Is she as 'cool' as the guys think she is?

Episode 5914
Thursday 17th June 2010

Lyn discovers the baby’s conception date! If Steph’s sixteen weeks pregnant then both Toadie and Steph cheated on Lucas and Sonya. Lyn however is still suspicious, she knows this is not the full story. Steph is paranoid Lyn will tell Lucas and Lyn knows Steph is still in love with him, she knows her daughter is hiding a bigger secret. When Lyn pushes Steph to tell her the truth, Steph cracks… and tells Lyn that it’s not Toadie’s baby, it’s Dan’s! Will Lyn keep the news to herself?

Paul returns from New York and Andrew is determined to make amends for his bad deeds and remain on the street. When he makes a plea to his father, Paul cracks… and decides to cut Andrew some slack. Has Paul made the right decision, Rebecca doesn’t think so. Meanwhile, Paul’s got bigger fish to fry, the business is in big trouble and he’s withholding this information from Rebecca… that’s until Andrew finds out!

Episode 5915
Friday 18th June 2010

After Andrew discovers Paul’s secret, he manipulates Declan into finding out too. Aware that Rebecca could well end her relationship with Paul if she found out he was lying to her, Declan deliberates about telling Rebecca what he knows. Worried both her emotional wellbeing and business fortunes are linked to Paul, Declan decides Rebecca needs to know. But at what cost?

Harry assures Kate that her first day as a student teacher will go smoothly – but his promise quickly unravels when Kate struggles to control an unruly class. And she hadn’t even reckoned on Callum Jones…