View Full Version : Female boxing

22-05-2009, 11:14
It is currently being discussed to allow female boxers to participate in the next Olympics. I believe that this sport has become very popular among women. How do you feel about female boxers?

di marco
22-05-2009, 14:43
i personally wouldnt wanna do it, but if they want to its up to them, i dont see a problem with it

22-05-2009, 17:21
I wouldnt want to

But its a sport and I think if there are femal boxers then why not, its not fair that there should be divides in sport

22-05-2009, 17:29
Not fussed either way. If women want to fight each other then it's their choice.

22-05-2009, 17:29
I don't like either.

There's no appeal to me in watching people beat each other up. A sport like boxing can only encourage violence, in my view.

22-05-2009, 19:13
Do you not apply the usual male cliches then, that it releases agression often targeted at innocent people? Does this not apply to females? Or are we females mostly feisty but not agressive enough to want to wallop the hell out of each other :hmm:

22-05-2009, 20:08
I don't see the point of boxing full stop to be honest... It seems a barbaric, and extremely dangerous 'sport', soooo why anyone would want to do it is beyond me. :eek:

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2009, 22:04
I don't like any males or females knocking ten bells out of each other in the name of sport, but if females are putting in the same training and committment that guys are and are happy to step into a ring and get their faces re-arranged then why can't they compete at the olympics.

26-05-2009, 22:42
I dont like the sport, but it just annoys me when women 'cant' do a sport cos 'its only for men'