View Full Version : sam

01-03-2005, 23:15
what a waste of space, she annoyed th hell out of me tonite. she even annoyed me more than zoe, belive it OR not. but 'princess' zoe did also annoy me as usual. her constant whinging and her 'poor me' syndrome is getting really tedious now. when is she leaving by the way?

also no ALFIE and his not so funny jokes and constant screaming TODAY! :p

02-03-2005, 09:30
I don't think Sam was as annoying as usual last night because she seemed to be trying to take charge instead of whining in the background which was nice for a change.

02-03-2005, 11:48
i like sam i hate chrissy

02-03-2005, 13:26
Well, thanks for that indepth look into things, stacyefc ;)

02-03-2005, 14:58
what ya mean

02-03-2005, 15:23
lol Just the way you gave a no-nonsense review of what you thought.

02-03-2005, 19:31
Im in two minds over this

Overall Chrissie is 10 times better than Sam Mitchell. Sam has gotton a little intresting lately because she has toughened up and about time too considering a weak pathetic character who hids behind the Mitchell name.

As for Chrissie, I think she may well crumble if Sam carrys on like this. Chrissie is a strong women but she is human after all and despite her front and bitchy nature, she is quite vulnerable underneath and thats what makes her character so facsinateing to watch. After killing Den, we really have seen a different side to her -potentially phychopathic but complex all the same. I dont agree with what she is makeing Zoe believe though. I dont think its right but I dont really like Zoe's character so Im not too bothered about her.

Right now, it looks like Sam knows exactly how to make Chrissie weaker because she knows the truth. Chrissie may hit rock bottom but I do think she will rise above it. Sam has only started to get stronger after Andy makeing a fool of her and her involvement in Den's death. Chrissie however, is a sharper tool though. In the long run though, I do feel that Chrissie will come out of this stronger but what she did to Den will haunt her.