View Full Version : Dark Side Of The Moon - EE fic

28-02-2005, 23:22
Well, the clue's in the title as to what this fic is about, lol! So not too surprisingly, it's an Eastenders fic centred around the Moon family and I'd love to know what you think! :)

Dark Side Of The Moon

Upstairs in the Queen Vic, the phone on the wall rang incessantly but, in spite of the shrill and eventually irritating sound, there was no sign of anyone rushing to answer it.

With her hands in the sink full of dirty dishes and warm soapy water, Chrissie sighed and tried to spot something to dry her hands on without success. “Den?” she called, turning towards the doorway and wondering where her husband had disappeared to. “Den, can’t you get that? Den! DEN!”

Hands in the pockets of his slacks, Den Watts strolled casually into the kitchen just as the phone stopped ringing. “Why didn’t ya get that?” he asked, nodding towards the now silent phone and drawing an incredulous look from his wife. “Well, it coulda been important! What if it was Sharon? Or Vicki?”

No longer caring about dripping water on the floor or anything else, Chrissie pulled her hands from the sink and rounded on her husband with a glare. “I didn’t see you tripping over yourself to get it!” she declared, “Firstly, if you think Sharon or Vicki will be calling YOU any time soon, you have to be crazy! And secondly, if you’re under the impression you’re going to be swanning around this place, doing your lord of the manor routine, while I do all the real work – well, you’re more delusional than even I was giving you credit for!”

“You’re gettin’ this wound up over answerin’ the phone?” Den said with a long-suffering sigh, “Women! I dunno …”

“Den Watts …” began Chrissie angrily, but before she could get any further, she was interrupted by the phone ringing again. “Oh, don’t you even look at me!”

Rolling his eyes, Den grabbed the receiver and smiled aggravatingly at his disgruntled wife, as if to say “Happy now?” – for once knowing better than to say what he was thinking out loud.

“Queen Vic?” he drawled easily, leaning against the nearby doorframe as he spoke.

“Oh, thank God!” came a female voice from the other end of the line, “I was beginnin’ to think there was no one in! Listen, I need a favour …”


Meanwhile, at the flat above the chip shop, it looked as if another family disagreement was brewing as the Queen Vic’s ex-landlord paced the less then spacious floor with a worried look on his face.

“So how long?” Alfie demanded, looking less and less like his usual cheery self.

“Come on, Alfie …”

“I asked how long, Jake?” he insisted, breaking off from his pacing to stop in front of his unexpected and not strictly welcome visitor.

“Couple of days, tops – I swear …”

“Yeah, ya usually do, but it don’t make no difference!” Alfie exclaimed, sinking onto the sofa and shaking his head. “If it was just me … But it ain’t – I got Nana and Spence to think about … Or if it was just you … But it ain’t – it’s Danny too and he’s … he’s a whole different ball game, Jake …”

“We’re family, Alfie, ALL of us.” Jake said, “Listen, I know it’s askin’ a lot, but ya ain’t gotta worry …”

“Oh ya think?” he retorted sceptically, but he was obviously considering the idea and Jake made the most of his one opportunity.

“Ya know I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important, cus … Come on, it’ll be like old times …”

“Ya better hope not!” Alfie exclaimed with a wry laugh, “First sign of trouble and that’s IT! I mean it, Jake – I ain’t takin’ any chances with the two of ya …”

“Ya won’t regret it, Alfie – promise.” Jake said, making himself comfortable on the sofa and stretching his legs out on the coffee table in front of him. “Ahhh, the Moon boys back together again – good times, mate, good times.”

“Ya ain’t got any more surprises for me, have ya? ‘Cos I think I’d rather know now – well, actually I’d rather not know at all, but I think I should probably be prepared …”

“No more surprises.” Jake assured him.

“Then get outta here and go find Danny – keep him outta trouble. And don’t let him get Spence involved in anythin’ daft either. Go on, before ya get too comfortable!” Alfie waited for Jake to reluctantly haul himself up from his seat and for the door to close behind him before he sighed and rubbed wearily at his eyes. “How do I get meself into these messes?” he mused thoughtfully before slumping back against the cushions with a groan, wishing things could just be straight-forward for once.


to be continued...

28-02-2005, 23:37
OMG THIS IS BRILLIANT! You've got their characters to a T and with grrreat description :)

01-03-2005, 15:17
ohhhhhhhhh sounds mysterious Jake is so cute it's brill

01-03-2005, 19:09
Glad you guys like it - thanks for reading! :D

The busy train station was packed with people hurrying backwards and forwards, looking for friends or relatives, the time their train was due, the number of the platform they were meant to be on, and probably a hundred other things. However, one person was just eager to get out of the crowd and, hauling her heavy bag along, she finally found a quiet corner out of the way. Flinging her bag down none too carefully, the young woman then slumped down on top of it wearily, pushing her blonde-highlighted brown hair back from her face with a sigh.

“Oh great!” she murmured to herself as she rifled through the pockets of her heavy, full-length coat and only came up with her recently purchased one-way ticket, a stick of chewing gum, a crumpled tissue and a small handful of change.

Shifting slightly, she unzipped a pocket of the bag she was now using as a seat and produced a half finished bottle of water from which she took a long swig. Putting the top back on and storing it away for later, she spotted the row of nearby telephone kiosks which had evidently seen better days and emptied out her pockets again to check if she had the right change to make a call. Finding that she was in luck, for once, she clambered to her feet again and, trailing her bag, made her way across the short distance to the phones.

“Don’t let the bloody battery be dead too …” she said to herself as she reached this time into the pocket of her faded jeans and produced a mobile phone – useless to her with no credit on it, but handy since all the numbers she needed were stored there. Scrolling through the menus, she finally found the one she wanted and used the pay-phone to call it; impatiently waiting for an answer and hoping there was someone in. Her hopes were raised as she could hear the ringing sound, but were only dashed again as she waited and waited but there was no reply.

“Come on, come on …” she pleaded, hanging up in frustration and glancing quickly at her watch – did she have time to try again? “Please, this time …”

She redialled the number carefully and waited, not realising she was holding her breath until …

“Queen Vic?”

She exhaled sharply, almost not believing her own luck. “Oh, thank God!” she exclaimed in relief, launching straight into things as she had little time to waste. “I was beginnin’ to think there was no one in! Listen, I need a favour and I need ya to just listen ‘cos I ain’t got much time – I’ve gotta …”


A little taken aback by the way the caller launched into things and not recognising the voice, Den frowned and tried to get a word in edgeways.

“Who is this?” he asked, halting the flow from the other end of the line and hearing nothing but background noise for a second.

“Alfie?” came the confused sounding voice, “God, I ain’t got the wrong number, ‘ave I? But ya said that was the Queen Vic …”

“This is the Vic, but if yer lookin’ for Alfie Moon, he don’t work ‘ere no more.” Den informed her, ignoring Chrissie’s attempts to attract his attention and find out who was calling.

“What?! But … Oh crap, ‘ang on, I need some more change …”

Den rolled his eyes impatiently as he listened to what was obviously the sound of the girl struggling to feed more coins into the payphone, simply shrugging in response to Chrissie’s mouthing “Who is it?” in his direction.

“Sorry … Uh … God, I dunno what to say now – I thought Alfie’d be there … Um, d’ya know where he’s gone or ‘ow I could get in touch with him?”

“I ain’t his flamin’ secretary!” said Den, starting to get a little irritated by all the explaining he was having to do over Alfie’s absence. He didn’t need everyone reminding him of what he had done …

“But … oh no, there’s my train!” The girl now sounded slightly frantic, “Please, is Alfie even still in Walford? I ain’t got time to …”

“Listen, as far as I know he ain’t gone far. Now, I’ve got a pub to run …”

“Well, thanks a lot, mate – it’s been a pleasure!” the girl said sarcastically, finally snapping under Den’s unnerving calm before slamming the phone down.

“Charmin’!” he sighed, replacing the handset and turning to his wife who was shaking her head, knowing how deliberately obtuse he could be. “Don’t start. I’m going downstairs – someone needs to get this place opened up.”

“What have I let myself in for?” Chrissie sighed to herself as she watched her husband disappear down the stairs before turning back and not looking any more pleased to still be faced with the mountain of dishes piled up in the sink.


to be continued...

01-03-2005, 19:50

02-03-2005, 21:29
“Next stop – Walford East. Next stop – Walford East.”

Having found a seat and dozed off with her head resting against the window, it was only the burst of static followed by the announcement made over the tannoy which roused the now somewhat disorientated young woman. Shifting uncomfortably and transferring her attention to the passing scenery as the train began to slow, she sighed and rubbed wearily at her eyes before reaching to pull her bag from beneath the seat.

Once the train finally stopped, she descended to the platform along with the other Walford-bound passengers and looked around uncertainly. Everyone else seemed so sure of themselves as they moved with purpose to find those waiting for them or to go about their business, but she was left to wonder, and not for the first time, if coming here at all was such a good idea.

Idea. Hardly an idea when she hadn’t given it any thought – it had seemed like the only thing she could do, given the circumstances, so she hadn’t wasted any time. Funny, her eldest brother was always telling her that acting without thinking would get her into trouble – she just hoped that for once he would be wrong. And anyway, what else could she have been expected to do? It wasn’t like she had another choice – she had no where else to go and no one she could turn to for advice; she was own her own for now.

“Well, standin’ ‘ere ain’t gonna get me anywhere …” she mused, hoisting the strap of her bag back over her shoulder and heading for the exit. However, a payphone caught her gaze and she changed direction, thinking she might as well give it a try – maybe she’d have a little more luck second time round.

Fishing in her pockets again, she found what was left of her change and fed it into the coin slot, this time dialling a mobile number she had no need to look up.

“Please pick up … please pick up …” she repeated under her breath, swearing as she was transferred to voicemail. “Damn!” She hung up quickly; however, not quickly enough to get her money back and she thumped the side of the phone in frustration. “Ya gotta be kiddin’ me!” she groaned, realising she had just wasted the last of her money and for nothing.

She knew it was useless to just stand around and do nothing, so she took a deep breath and headed towards the exit again and making her way out onto the street. Looking left and right, she spotted a cab waiting for a fare and went over to tap the driver’s window.

“Sorry, love, I’m booked …”

“Oh, it’s alright – I ain’t lookin’ for a cab.” she explained, “I just wanted to ask for directions and who better than a cabbie, right, mate?”

“Ain’t no one better – know this place like the back of me ‘and, I do.” he answered proudly, evidently only to pleased to help anyone who showed such respect for his profession. “Where ya lookin’ to go, love?”

“Albert Square – uh, the Queen Vic?” she said after a pause. She knew Alfie wasn’t there, but she didn’t know where else to go and if he was still in Walford at all, that sounded like the best place to start – even if the new landlord hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with information on the phone, maybe he’d have more to say to her face. She couldn’t just give up …


“Did ya talk to Alfie?”

“Yeah, Danny, I did.” said Jake dryly, as they strolled through the market place. “And what d’ya think he said?”

His younger brother merely rolled his eyes, “Blah, blah, blah, stay outta trouble … blah, blah, blah, don’t get Spence into trouble … blah …”

“This is all a joke to ya, ain’t it?”

“Oh, c’mon, bruv – lighten up!” Danny drawled casually, “Yer gettin’ as bad as Alfie! Ya wanna watch it – too much stress ain’t good for ya …”

“Well, ya know how ya can help there – stop leavin’ me to clear up your messes! Guess who I blame for most of the stress I’m under?”

“It ain’t all MY fault!” his younger brother protested.

“I didn’t say it was your FAULT – I said I was gonna BLAME ya!” Jake grinned, “Look, just go easy on Alfie – he’s gettin’ it rough at the minute and he ain’t exactly thrilled to have us around so causin’ trouble is only gonna make him all the keener to get rid.”

“He wouldn’t do that – he’s alright is Alfie; big on family loyalty.”

“Exactly. So how about we show him some, yeah?”

Danny shrugged easily, his attention more focused on kicking a can along in front of him than on his brother. “Sure, whatever. Anyway, talkin’ about family - it ain’t like we can stick around here much longer anyway. We gotta be at home when …”

“I know, I know.” sighed Jake, cutting him off before he could finish so he could put off thinking about it at least for a little longer.

“She can’t stay away forever …”

“And I wouldn’t want her to! What d’ya take me for? It’s just … it ain’t gonna be easy when she gets back, is all. Oh, come on, lets go down the café – I’ll treat ya.”

“Awww, thanks, big brother!” Danny smirked.

“I just don’t want ya passin’ on any more of that moody money! Couple of days an’ we’ll be outta here so we don’t wanna stir it in the meantime. Now come on.”


to be continued...

02-03-2005, 21:35
Cool. Wat next?

02-03-2005, 21:38
Thats really good. better than mine.

02-03-2005, 21:52
wow this is greatness! cant wait to see who 'she' is :) and u have the characters down to a T!

02-03-2005, 23:23
Awww, thanks, guys! :D

4.“So this is Albert Square …”

The girl looked around curiously as she walked through the market place, pulling her coat tighter around her against the chill breeze. “Now … if I was an ex-landlord, where would I go?”

Yet, even as she stopped to consider her options, the rain which had been threatening all day began to fall. Growing quickly heavier and heavier, it sent those with stalls on the market hurrying to find covers for their produce, while passers-by put up umbrellas or took shelter in nearby shops and the girl tugged the over-sized, faux fur-lined hood of her coat over her head, her shoulders slumping wearily.

“Oh, give me a break!” she sighed, before noticing a sign for a café and breaking into a jog in a bid to get out of the rain before she was completely soaked.

One inside the largely empty café, the girl pushed back the hood of her coat and shook out her long hair.

“Rough day.” she commented as the man behind the counter looked at her expectantly, but then she just headed towards a free table by the window.

“Uh, excuse me – can I get ya somethin’?” he called after her.

“Oh, no – but thanks anyway.” she smiled brightly.

However, new to the Square as she was, the girl did not realise that this man was no mere assistant – he was none other than Ian Beale, one of Walford’s few entrepreneurs and owner of the establishment.

“This is a café, ya know – not a bus shelter!” he pointed out dryly.

“Oh … Come on, mate – have ya seen how bad it is out there? If I had any money on me, I’d buy something – believe me, I’d kill for a coffee right now! But I ain’t got enough, so I just wanna stay outta the rain for a few minutes – it ain’t like yer busy and ya wouldn’t wanna have me gettin’ pneumonia on yer conscience, would ya?”

With other, more important, things on his mind, Ian was not in the mood to argue and simply sighed in defeat, turning his attention back to serving other customers. Relieved by this, the girl settled back in her seat and just let her gaze first take in the rain now pouring down outside and then flit back round the other tables and the few customers occupying them. She didn’t fail to notice the payphone, but already knew the last of her change was long gone. Suddenly, her attention was caught by a customer dropping the money he was counting out at the counter. As coins rolled over the floor, the girl thought quickly and, without drawing attention to herself, she slowly moved her foot …

“Uh, ‘scuse me?” she called to the slightly flustered man trying to track his scattered loose change. She picked up a nearby pound coin and held it out to him with an innocent smile, “I think this belongs to ya …”

She waited until he had thanked her, paid for his takeaway coffee and left, before she picked up the money under her trainer and hurried to the phone with a little grin.

“Think it’s ‘bout time I caught a break …” she muttered to herself, dialling a second mobile number from memory with a well-practiced finger.


No sooner had Alfie walked through the door of the flat than he heard a voice calling him and he shook his head, wondering what he was wanted for now.

“Alfie, darling, is this yours? I found it in the kitchen, but it keeps ringing, lovey, and I didn’t know how to make it stop …”

“Whatcha got there, Nana?” Alfie asked, shrugging off his long leather jacket, throwing it over the back of the battered couch and turning to see the bemusing sight of his elderly grandmother turning a mobile phone over in her hands with a puzzled look on her face while it rang insistently. “Nah, it ain’t mine, darlin’, and it ain’t Spence’s … Must be Jake or Danny’s – give it ‘ere.”

“Should you answer it, darling? It might be important … And I shall be ever so glad when it stops ringing – it makes such a terrible noise!” Nana said with a little frown.

“That’s these modern ringtones for ya, Nana.” Alfie grinned, “Dunno if I should answer it – I dunno who it is, do I?”

“Oh, I say, Alfie! Do you suppose Daniel or Jacob might have a young lady friend?” Nana asked, looking decidedly pleased at the prospect.

“Ya never know … We’d probably have heard about it before now though – those two ain’t exactly discreet about these things, are they?” Alfie grinned, although he couldn’t help thinking to himself that the caller was much more likely to be some dodgy acquaintance. Not that he would tell Nana that and shatter her illusions of her angelic family. “Oh, go on – I better answer it … Take a message or somethin’ …Pretend to be their personal assistant … Or maybe I should leave it …

For a second, his finger hovered over the button to end the call but at the last second, he hit the button to answer it instead.

“’Allo?” he said cheerily, feeling slightly curious about who he might end up talking to – who knew who his cousins could be in touch with?

Instantly hearing a young, relieved sounding female voice launch into a rambling spiel, Alfie was thrown for a moment and had trouble getting her to stop, even for a second, so he could get a word in. “Woah, woah, woah! Slow down, darlin’ …”

To his surprise, the voice actually stopped mid-sentence. “Alfie?!”

“Who’s that? How did ya know who I was?”

“God, why can’t anyone just answer their own phone for a change?! Alfie, it’s Jody – whatcha doin’ with Jake’s phone?”

“So it’s Jake’s then, not Danny’s – we were just wonderin’ that … Uh, the boys turned up here a couple of days ago and … ‘Ay, listen to me! Never mind that – how are ya, darlin’?”

“Listen, Alfie, I ain’t really got time to chat – I’m on a payphone. Just tell me somethin’ quick – are ya still in Walford?”

“Course I am.” Alfie replied, still trying to work out what was going on. “Why? Ya thinkin’ of payin’ us a visit?”

“I’m way ahead of ya there – I’m in the Square now, some café on … uh, Bridge Street, is it?”

“What? But what ya doin’ …”

“Just meet me, Alfie, and I’ll explain – please! My money’s nearly …”

But before she could finish her sentence, the line had gone dead and Alfie could only assume her money had run out.

“What next, eh?” Alfie sighed to himself, grabbing his jacket again. “Nana, ya gonna be alright on yer own for a bit, darlin’? I gotta go out again …”

“Nothing wrong, is there, Alfie?” she asked anxiously.

“Course not! I’ll be back soon as I can, alright?” Alfie said, hoping he was right as he kissed his grandmother on the cheek and hurried back out the door.


to be continued...

02-03-2005, 23:29
*squeals* OH WOW!!! I could pee myself i'm so excited!!!

02-03-2005, 23:38
Hope I haven't gotten your hopes up, making you think I've posted the next bit, but I just had to say that reaction was class! :D LMAO! There'll be more ASAP.

03-03-2005, 21:11
Lost in thought, the girl was paying little attention to what was going on around her and so actually jumped a little when the man who had been serving came over and tapped her on the shoulder.

“It’s stopped.”

“Ya what?” she asked, not catching on at first.

“The rain – it’s stopped, so if yer not buyin’ anythin’ …”

“Oh, but I’m waitin’ for someone …”

“Oh, yeah?” he said sceptically.

“No, seriously – he’ll be here in a minute …”

“Ya can stop wastin’ my time now – go on, out ya go!” Ian insisted, practically herding her to the door and turning a deaf ear to her protests. “Some people! I’m tryin’ to run a business here, not a charity!”

Finding herself back outside in the cold and faced with the prospect of staying there until Alfie arrived, Jody could hardly believe her eyes when she spotted two familiar figures just across the street. A broad grin spreading across her face, she dashed across the road and tried to catch up with the two.

“Stop stressin’, bruv!” she could hear Danny saying to Jake as she hurried up behind them, “We’ve sorted bigger problems before – we’ll think of somethin’ …” He tapped his head knowingly, “Mind like a steel trap, ya know …”

That was as much as Jody could take and she burst out laughing. “Yeah, rusty and quite possibly illegal!” she teased, making the two spin round to face her in surprise. “So what trouble have ya been gettin’ yerselves into now?”

“Jody!” Danny exclaimed when he had recovered slightly, throwing his arms round the girl in an over-enthusiastic bear hug which made her gasp although she managed to return the hug with a smile. “When did ya get back? How come you’re here? How did ya know where we were?”

Not really knowing where to start to answer so many questions, Jody didn’t get the chance to even try before Jake asked the most important question of all.

“Did ya go home first?”

“Lighten up, Jake, yeah?” Jody sighed, “Leave the questions for a bit – ain’t ya got a hug for yer little sister?”

Taking in the sight of her with serious eyes, Jake finally relented and pulled her close, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. “It is good to see ya, kiddo.” he admitted with a smile, “Come on then, lets go back to the flat and ya can tell us all about Greece.”

Her meeting with Alfie pushed to the back of her mind by the sudden and unexpected finding of her elder brothers, Jody allowed Danny to wrap an arm around her shoulders and steer her in the right direction while Jake took her bag from her and followed, a slight feeling of concern marring his pleasure at having his youngest sibling back with them. He had a funny feeling that, as with most of the dealings of the Moon family, there was more to this than met the eye. And unfortunately, his instincts about these things were usually right …


“Jane, are ya sure ya wouldn’t be better off at home?” Ian persisted, not knowing what to do or say for the best and being acutely aware that everything he did think of seemed to be wrong.

“Ian, for the last time – let me do my job!” his employee said firmly, growing just a little exasperated by this newfound need of his to look after her. “Yes, Alfie – what can I get ya?”

“Uh … not sure if I’m stayin’ yet, darlin’” he smiled, looking around. “Ya ain’t seen a girl in here, have ya? She’s … uh, eighteen … long dark hair … ‘bout this tall …” He gestured with his hand to show her height, still looking around the whole time. “She was supposed to be here …”

“Eighteen?” Ian raised his eyebrows, “Bit young for ya, ain’t she, Alfie?”

“Oi, what ya like, ya plank - she’s my cousin!” Alfie corrected him, “And she rang, said she was in here and I was to meet her …”

“Come to think of it, there was a girl like that – dark-haired, but with blonde bits …”

“Well, I ain’t seen her in a while so it could be her …”

“She had a bag with her … no money though – I … uh …” Ian looked a little uncomfortable as he thought about how he had treated her, not realising she was related to one of his mates. He decided it would probably be best to skim over that part, “She left when the rain stopped …”

“Typical bird – says she’s gonna do one thing and then does the opposite!” Alfie complained, “Thanks anyway, Ian – I better go have a scout round. See ya later, mate.”

But Alfie soon found that it would take more than a quick look round the Square to find his youngest cousin – no matter how long he kept doing laps of the market, he still couldn’t see any sign of her. Deciding he was going to need some help, he hurried back to the flat with the intention of seeing if Jake, Danny and Spencer were there. He didn’t hold much hope for them being there, but he only had to walk through the door to hear the voices coming from the cramped living room.

“Oh, Alfie, lovey – look who’s here!” said Nana with a delighted smile, “Isn’t it wonderful? Just like a big reunion!”

“Alright, Alfie?” smiled Jody from where she was sprawled on the sofa between her brothers, while Spencer perched on the arm. “Where’ve ya been?”

“Where’ve …” Alfie bit back the incredulous exclamation and was about to ask what had happened to meeting at the café but instead, he just shrugged it off with his usual good-nature, as if he hadn’t been traipsing round the Square for the last half-hour or so. “It don’t matter now.”

He couldn’t help smiling as she jumped up to give him a hug and Nana clapped her hands together happily.

“Isn’t this nice?” Nana said, “It’s just so lovely to have you all together, darlings! Now, I’ll just put the kettle on, shall I?”


to be continued...

03-03-2005, 23:23
OH WOW THEY HAVE A LIL SISTER!!!!! coolness *pinches dannys cheek* u'll always be my baby dear

03-03-2005, 23:40
Lol! I was torn between Danny being the "baby" of the family and Danny trying to be a big brother, just like his big brother - awwwww! :D

03-03-2005, 23:45
hehehe bless, i cant wait to see how they all get on, seems to me she's a bit like Danny and they get on well.

03-03-2005, 23:52
“Bless her,” Danny grinned, nodding in the direction of the kitchen where Nana could be heard pottering about and humming to herself as she made tea for them all. “It’s like all her Christmases have come at once!”

“Yeah …” Alfie agreed, a fond smile on his face which faded into a frown as he rounded on his cousins again. “She always was blind to our faults! No more surprises, ya said, Jake!”

“It ain’t Jake’s fault, Alfie.” Jody interrupted, quick to defend her brother. “Or Danny’s – neither of them knew I was coming. I didn’t even know myself ‘til today …”

“So how come ya didn’t let us know ya were comin’?” Jake asked. He didn’t know why, but he just couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that there was a reason for this unexpected arrival of his young sister and he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like it.

“I did try to, but you’re the hardest people to get hold of, ya know! I kept gettin’ Danny’s voicemail and no answer on your phone. Then when I got home …” she trailed off, a strange look on her face that was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared. “Well, ya weren’t there, were ya, so I thought I’d try Alfie, but he wasn’t at the Vic …” Jody broke off to look up at Alfie questioningly, “Which reminds me, what happened there? How come ya ain’t at the pub?”

“Oh yeah, that … To cut a long story short, someone bought it over and he wants to run it himself.” said Alfie, purposely glossing over the fact that he had been thrown out on the street, on Christmas Eve, with no notice whatsoever and Nana and Spencer to worry about.

“Sorry,” said Jody sympathetically, “I know ya loved that place …”

“Aay, don’t go worryin’ yerself about it, darlin’.” Alfie reassured her, “After all, I was only there ‘cos I blagged my way in – ya win some, ya lose some … Now, enough about me – where’ve ya been? Ya didn’t pick up a tan like that anywhere round ‘ere!”

“Nah, “Jody answered, unconvinced by his cheery routine but letting it go for now. “I went out to Greece to stay with our Mum for a bit.”

“Greece – sounds great!” Spencer exclaimed, “Wish I could take off for a holiday! Suppose yer mum wanted ya out with her for a bit?”

“Jake and Danny set it up actually.” she said, looking a little uncomfortable as she exchanged a look with her brothers.

“If ya can’t spoil yer kid sister, who can ya spoil?” Jake put in, seeing the looks they were getting from their surprised cousins.

“Feelin’ flush, were ya?” Alfie asked, knowing full well that they could hardly afford holidays like that.

“Might as well spend it when ya got it – it ain’t like yer gonna take it with ya.” Jake shrugged before turning back to Jody, patting her knee to get her attention. “So how’s Mum anyway?”

“Same as usual – fifty-five acting twenty-five.” Jody said with a roll of her eyes.

“New bloke?” Jake guessed, knowing the drill by now.

“Oh yeah. The two of ya would have plenty in common with him at least …” Jody said wryly, “He likes a laugh, ya know – a good night out, a few drinks – and he’s ‘bout yer age too …”

“Ya what?!” Danny spluttered in shock.

“Yeah, he’s even younger than the last one – and he’ll probably last about as long. Mum didn’t even tell him about us – probably didn’t wanna let on she was old enough to have kids our age. Makes ya feel really wanted, don’t it?”

Alfie and Spencer looked on uncomfortably as the girl’s face took on a hurt look and Jake wrapped an arm around his sister’s shoulders. “Aay, come on,” he said softly, “We’ve known the score for years now, but ya know yer always gonna have me and Danny …”

“Too right!” Danny agreed, reaching out to tug affectionately on a strand of her hair, shooting her a reassuring grin.

“I know.” she smiled back, mentally shaking off any hint of worries and trying to show she was unconcerned – a trick that might have fooled a lot of people, but not Jake. He could tell there was still something bothering her, but he knew just as well that she could be incredibly stubborn. There was no point in pushing her – she’d tell them in her own time.

“Well …” said Alfie suddenly, with a cheery attempt at changing the subject. “Wonder where Nana’s got to with that tea? Anyway, Jody, darlin’, ya might as well take off yer coat and let on yer stayin’ a while – everyone else seems to be!”

“Alfie, I know this must be the last thing ya need right now – us crashin’ your place …”

But Alfie caught the pleading looks her brothers were shooting him and, however much trouble he thought they’d be, he couldn’t turn away their little sister and he shook his head. “Don’t worry ‘bout it, Jody – me and the boys ‘ave already squared it. It’s not like yer gonna be here long – ain’t that right, Jake?”

Jake nodded with just a hint of reluctance and Jody didn’t exactly look pleased by the news, but she managed a smile and stood up to take off the heavy hooded coat she was wearing, leaving her scarf on.

“Looks like someone reckons they’re still on holiday – this is Albert Square, not Aaya Napa, love!” teased Danny when they saw she was only wearing a flimsy camisole top and jeans under the coat.

“An outfit like that and she’s scared of gettin’ her neck cold!” Alfie laughed.

“Or maybe there’s some other reason – somethin’ she wants to hide …” Spencer chipped in, “Meet anyone while ya were away, did ya, JoJo?”

“Very funny.” she sighed, “I’d forgotten the way ya all like gangin’ up on me - when ya got a decent outfit between ya, then we can talk!”

“Oh go on, Jody, ya might as well admit it and show us …” Spencer persisted, making the most of not being on the receiving end of the all the teasing for once and grabbing the end of her scarf.

“Get off!” she insisted, a little more forcefully than she had intended as she tried to jerk away. However, her cousin kept his hold on the tail of her scarf and, although she jumped up to try to get away, it remained caught in Spencer’s hands. As the material pulled across her skin, she gasped in pain and her hands flew to try to cover her throat, but it was too late …

“Bloody hell! Who did that?! Danny exploded, also leaping to his feet and grabbing his little sister by the shoulders as she struggled to think of how to explain the vicious bruising encircling her throat. “Jody, look at me! WHO. DID. THIS?”


to be continued...

04-03-2005, 00:10
*gasps* I BET IT WAS SOMEONE NASTY!!!! well...yeah lol. oh wow, i really love this, they're so great!

04-03-2005, 13:59
OH MY GOD just caught up this is brill keep it up

05-03-2005, 13:54
“Oi, go easy, Danny!” Alfie said worriedly, pulling his obviously fuming cousin away and trying to calm him down while Jake hurriedly went to his sister’s side. “That ain’t gonna help, is it?”

“Jake …” Jody said urgently, shooting a sidelong glance at where Alfie was having trouble keeping Danny quiet and then turning fearful blue eyes on her eldest brother. “Please, don’t let Danny do anythin’ daft … Don’t either of ya …”

“Just tell me who did it – I promise ya, ya won’t have to worry about it … Ya can leave it to us now …” Jake said, more calmly than he thought he’d be able to manage as he eased her hands away from the impossible and now pointless task of trying to hide her bruises.

“That’s what’s worryin’ me – I came here to get away from it and I just wanna forget it ever happened …”

A thought struck Jake and he groaned, “Ya went home before ya came here – I knew we shoulda been there!”

Overhearing them, Danny wrenched himself free from Alfie and stormed towards the door with a furious look on his face. “We hafta go sort this!”

“Danny, NO!” his sister pleaded, her voice have much more effect than Alfie’s physical attempts to stop him. “Please, don’t!”

“Where?!” exclaimed Alfie, not following what was happening. “What’s goin’ on? Who d’ya reckon did it?”

“Who d’ya think?” said Jake bitterly as he gently tilted his little sister’s head from side to side to see the full extent of the bruising, “Looks like our dear father fell off the wagon. Again.”

“I know where I’d like him to fall …” seethed Danny darkly, balling his hands into fists without even realizing he was doing it and resorting to pacing the floor like a caged tiger.

“Your dad did that?” Spencer said in shock, having had no idea how bad things had been getting for his cousins back home and thinking that surely Danny and Jake must be wrong in their assumptions.

Jody tried to nod, but only ended up wincing in pain and Jake pushed her back down onto her seat on the sofa.

“What a mess.” he sighed, “What the hell did he do this time? Try stranglin’ ya or somethin’?

“Pretty much.” Jody answered shortly, trying to push his hands away. “Don’t fuss, Jake!”

Jake stared at her in disbelief. “Don’t fuss!? Don’t fuss, she says! Whadda ya mean? We’re meant to look after ya and we weren’t at home when we shoulda been …”

“Oi, ya can leave that right out for a start!” she said sharply, “It ain’t yer fault. Anyway … I’m here, ain’t I? In one piece, more or less – so leave it. What good’s it gonna do, the two of ya runnin’ back there and gettin’ yerselves some of the same?”

“I’d like to see ‘im try!” declared Danny, that thought being more than enough to set him off again.

“Alright, ‘ang on a minute …” Alfie demanded, holding up his hands and trying to get them to calm down long enough to explain what was going on to him. “Jake, what did ya mean ‘this time’? Ya asked her what he did this time - he’s done stuff like this before?”

Jake took a deep breath and was about to reveal the whole truth when Jody quickly grabbed her scarf back from Spencer who was still holding it, not knowing what else to do and wishing he hadn’t started this whole thing.

“Shut up, Alfie – Nana’s comin’ back!” Jody warned urgently, wrapping the material back round her neck again and hiding the evidence. “I don’t want her worryin’ …”

“But …”

“Who’s worrying, lovey?” Nana asked, a little frown appearing on her face as she made her way across the room from the kitchen, struggling with a tray of steaming mugs of tea and plates of biscuits and cake and anything else she thought they might like – she loved having so many of her family around to spoil as best she could.

“Oh nothin’, Nana.” Jody managed brightly, going to help her with the tray. “Just me worryin’ about how the two of us are gonna put up with these boys!”

“Oh, we’ll manage just fine, dear – my boys aren’t so bad, are they? But it will be nice having another girl about …” Nana mused, not noticing the tense atmosphere or the glares Jody was shooting at the others to keep them from saying anything.

“Course! We’ll keep ‘em in line, won’t we?” Jody laughed, but when Nana’s back was turned, she couldn’t keep her fake smile from fading.


to be continued...

05-03-2005, 16:41

05-03-2005, 20:26
OMG I LOVE THIS!!!! ITS SO GREAT!!!! If i was Danny i'd go and KICK SOME ASS!!!! or even if i wasn't i'd still KICK SOME ASS!!!! Jody seems cool :)

06-03-2005, 22:06
“Jacob, a word.” said Alfie with forced casualness, while Nana busied herself making sure everyone had enough tea and fussing over them in spite of their protests. He got up from the sofa and nodded towards the door into the kitchen, the look on his face plainly suggesting Jake shouldn’t even try getting out of this one.

“Yes, Alfie?” his cousin said with as much innocence as he could muster once the kitchen door was closed behind them.

“Don’t give me that.” Alfie said, refusing to be walked over this time and folding his arms, a determined look on his face. “I wanna know the whole story and yer gonna tell me, ‘cause if ya don’t … I’ll go see what Jody’s gotta say.”

“She’s been through enough, Alfie …” Jake said, proving that Alfie had hit on his cousin’s key weakness just as intended.

“Right then … So ya sent her to your mum’s? Must have been pretty bad if ya were that desperate …”

“Ya know what it’s like there, Alfie … Put it this way, if we were younger we’d be back in care right now. It was alright – just about – when Dad was off the drink but we were kiddin’ ourselves that it would last. He’s been on and off it more times than I can remember …” Jake explained resignedly, “He ain’t usually as bad with Jody – she knows when to stay clear. Not like Danny.”

“I can imagine …”

“No, ya can’t, Alfie – ya really can’t. I’m surprised they ain’t killed each other yet and I mean that.” he said seriously. “He just doesn’t know when to back down … I mean, I’d be the first to step in when Dad starts in on either of ‘em, but keepin’ outta his way is the smart thing to do – Danny don’t see it like that. Couple of years back, the old man hit the bottle and Jody took a bit of a knock – it wasn’t like this time, I don’t think he even meant to do it, but Danny …” Jake trailed off, shaking his head, as he remembered all too vividly what had happened …

“… comin’ in ‘ere at all hours … Where the ‘ell ‘ave ya been?”

Their father’s voice was harsh and slurred; you didn’t even have to see the glazed look in his eyes or the way he swayed when he walked or smell the alcohol on his breath and clothes to know that he was drunk. Again.

“It’s alright, Dad – she’s here now. Why don’t ya go get some kip?” Jake said, ever the peace-maker.

Their father rounded on him, finger pointing, ranting something that was just a jumble of words too incoherent for them to make out.

“Leave it out – it ain’t like it’s a big deal!” Danny said, angry that their dad was upsetting Jody by getting worked up over nothing and now taking it out on Jake who hadn’t even done anything wrong.

“… won’t stand for … can’t even … my house – MY RULES! Ya ‘ear? MY RULES!”

“Yeah, Dad, that’s right and Jody knows she was wrong, but we can sort it in the mornin’, yeah?” Jake said, his voice low and pacifying, but the look in his eyes … There was nothing but contempt now for the man he should have been able to look up to. “Jody, go on upstairs. Go on, it’s okay.”

Having been caught sneaking back in after a late night out with her friends from school, Jody knew the danger signs all too well and shot a look at her eldest brother that was part apology, part gratitude for getting her out of trouble. Not looking her father in the eye, she went to move past him to reach the stairs but just when she thought she was in the clear, he reached out and grabbed her unsteadily.

“... thinkin’ ya can … goin’ out like that … like yer mother – nothin’ but a SLUT!”

“Aay, take it easy!” Jake said in alarm as their father shook the now frightened young girl. Stepping in hastily, he tried to pull his dad away, but the drunken man tried to shrug him off and lashed out at him in a sudden rage. Forced to draw back by the fists that flailed blindly, everything was lost in the heat of the moment until they heard the little cry of surprised pain and then things really did descend into chaos.

As Jody held her cheek, frozen in shock, Danny hurled himself at their father, finally having been pushed too far the moment a finger was laid on his little sister …

“He lost it, mate, really lost it and normally when he gets like that … there ain’t no one who can do much against him, but Dad was so fuelled up … I don’t think he felt anythin’ and it was like he didn’t know his own strength. I dunno how he got Danny down, but when he did … he kept him down. Three broken ribs, cracked jawbone, split lip, black eye. But Dad didn’t get off light either … Ended up with a broken nose that ain’t been right since, dislocated shoulder, concussion – though that was probably me throwin’ him into the wall when I finally got him off Danny …” Jake recounted quietly, his gaze fixed on Alfie’s stunned face as his cousin was, for once, lost for words. “Jody saw the whole thing – cried for two days.”

“I … Jesus, Jake, I had no idea - why didn’t ya say somethin’? Ya know I’d have …”

“We were dealin’ with it …”

“Don’t look like it to me!”

“When we knew he was back on the drink this time, we sent Jody to Mum’s – she might not give a toss about us, but at least she ain’t off her face most of the time. We couldn’t let on things were as bad as they were though – ya know Jody, there’d have been no shiftin’ her if she’d known. Then … well, we got ourselves into a bit of a mess and had to get away – but if I’d known she was on her way back, I’d have made sure we were there – stuck it out and then brought her with us …”

“I know, I know.” Alfie sighed, realizing that Jake was blaming himself for what had happened to his little sister. “But the money – how did ya manage to get it? ‘Specially at short notice …

“From Johnny – why d’ya think we owe him one?”

“Oh, this just gets better and better!” Alfie groaned, “So what now?”

“Wish I knew … Alfie, I know it’s pushin’ our luck, but …”

“Ya wanna stay. Jake, ya said ya were gonna be outta here …”

“Believe me, Alfie, this was not in the plan – but it’s like ya said, it ain’t just me. I wouldn’t ask for more than I already have if it was just me, but … I can’t take Jody back there …”

“No … No, course ya can’t. We ain’t got much room, but we’ll just hafta sort somethin’, mate – just … just keep yer head down and make sure Danny does the same. Remember what I said – I don’t wanna hear about any trouble.”

“We won’t let ya down, Alfie.” Jake said sincerely, “We appreciate this, ya gotta know that.”

“Boys? You two better hurry up or there’ll be none of these nice chocolate biscuits left!” Nana called from the next room, wondering what they were up to.

Alfie managed a faint smile and gestured towards the door, still reeling a little from Jake’s account. “And not a word in front of Nana – ya know how she worries.”

“Course not!” Jake agreed, “Come on, or she’ll be scoldin’ us for lettin’ our tea get cold next!”


to be continued...

06-03-2005, 22:36
*shniffles* aaaawwwww my poor babies!!!!! i just wanna hug them all and squueze them until they cant breathe - in a loving way! I love this babe, its fantastic! u gotta do more! MORE MORE MORE!

07-03-2005, 10:41
I think i'm going to cry it's brilliant poor Jake and Danny and Jody awwwwwwww

09-03-2005, 23:13
Worn out from all her traveling, never mind the stress of having found her alcoholic father home alone, Jody was much quieter than was usual for her. She tried to keep up the cheery act at first, but soon found it was all she could do to bottle everything up and remain slouched against the cushions of the sofa, sipping her tea. Not for the world though would she have had Nana discover the whole truth and the others evidently felt the same, though the strain of not being able to show their concern was taking its toll on her brothers as they were forced to content themselves with sneaking glances at her to make sure she was okay. Not that she was though – not really.

“Just nippin’ to the bathroom – this way, is it?” she said suddenly, her tone as light as she could make it. “And oi, I know exactly how many choccie biccies are left an’ I’m expectin’ my share to still be there when I get back!”

She tried to force a grin, but could only manage a half-hearted smile at best before she hurried off in the direction Alfie pointed. Not that the bathroom would have been hard to find in the small flat, cramped as it was. However, that was the least of Jody’s concerns – right now, she didn’t care about practicalities. She just wanted to be on her own so she could stop trying to pretend. Gratefully, she closed and locked the door behind her and then sank down on top of the closed toilet lid, her careful façade just seeming to melt away to leave behind a still shaken young woman on the verge of tears.

With an effort, she held back the tears which threatened, dabbing at her eyes with the end of her scarf before tugging off the offending item and letting it fall to the floor. She got up slowly and went to stand in front of the mirror, leaning on the sink and pulling a face of disgust as she saw the dark bruises on her neck. What a mess …


Seeing that Nana was engrossed in a conversation with Spencer, listening proudly as he told her how he was single handedly turning the Beale empire into a goldmine, Danny turned to his brother and caught his attention.

“Ya think she’s alright?” he whispered, for once in his life being discreet.

Jake shot him a warning look, checked no one was listening and then shrugged. “Ya know what she’s like – won’t let on if she’s not.”

“I’m gonna go check …”

“Don’t go upsettin’ her with that mouth of yours …”

Danny actually looked a little hurt at that, “Give me some credit, Jake!” He glared at his brother, getting up casually and trying not to draw attention to what he was doing as he headed towards the bathroom and tapped lightly on the door.

“JoJo? Ya alright in there, babe?” he called softly.

“I ain’t fallen in, if that’s what ya mean, Dan.” came the wry reply, “I’m just … fixin’ my hair …”

“So can I come in then?”

There was no response, but then he heard the sound of the door being unlocked. He was left to open it himself though and by the time he had done so, Jody was back in front of the mirror, pushing a few unruly strands of hair back into place.

“Looks fine to me.” Danny commented from behind her, but he knew it was only an excuse anyway as she met his gaze for a second in the mirror. He could plainly see that her eyes were a little red from crying, but he said nothing, although a frown crossed his face. Instead, he merely sat down on the edge of the bath and watched her intently.

“About before …” he began, running a hand through his hair uncomfortably, “I didn’t mean to upset ya, losin’ it like that ...”

“It weren’t you who upset me, Dan.” she said simply, coming to sit beside him and staring down at her feet quietly, tears welling up against her will as he curled an arm around her shoulders. “I’m alright …” she tried to insist, pressing a hand to her eyes but it was obvious that she was anything but.

“C’mere, darlin’ …” her brother sighed, pulling her into a hug and rocking her gently as she finally turned her face in against his shoulder, no longer able to hold back her tears and simply crying into his t-shirt. He rested his cheek lightly on top of her head but couldn’t help tightening his hold on her, struggling to hide his anger. “God, we shoulda been there …”

But she shook her head fervently, her shoulders still hitching as she tried to suppress her sobs, but she pulled back to look him square in the eye. “I don’t want it to be like before, Danny – ya got no idea how bad it was seein’ ya so beat up …”

“It weren’t no picnic for me either …” he said, knowing instantly when she was talking about and hating that it was so deeply rooted in her mind. “But he can’t keep doin’ this and gettin’ away with it, Jody!”

“I mean it, Danny – promise me it won’t happen again. Promise me, ‘cos I ain’t gonna stick around to hafta watch ya drink yer dinner through a straw!”

He didn’t meet her gaze, he tried to change the subject, he did everything he could to fob her off but it was no good. In the end, she was his little sister and he never could say no to her …

“Oh alright!” he grumbled, rolling his eyes. “Like he could do a number on me twice anyway … Okay, okay - promise.”

He was instantly rewarded with a teary smile as she threw her arms round his neck in sheer relief. “Thank you.” she whispered as he hugged her back again, but had she seen the look on his face, she wouldn’t have been so reassured. After all, he had only really promised that he wouldn’t get himself hospitalized like last time and Danny had no intention of being the one in that position again …


to be continued...

10-03-2005, 17:40
*gasps* dun duuun, dun duuuun! awww on danny and JoJo's relationship, its so cute! and they're all so much in character, its fantastic! Can't wait for more

11-03-2005, 10:07
This is fantastic loving it please post more soon bless Danny

14-03-2005, 23:24
Thanks for the lovely comments! :D

“Well, it’s all very nice sitting here with you all, but it won’t get my shopping in, will it?” Nana said, getting up to begin tidying up. “I wonder if Jody’s had enough to eat or if I should …”

“Listen, Nana, why don’t ya leave all this to us and go out for a little walk round the shops – Spencer’ll go give ya a hand. Won’t ya, Spence?”

“But … Yes, Alfie.” Spencer said, resigned to the fact that there was no point trying to get out of it. It wasn’t that he minded looking after his nan, but he got the distinct impression that he was going to be left out of something, as usual. He hated it when Alfie kept treating him like a little kid who needed protecting.

“Oh, thank you, Spencer – that would be awfully good of you. The bags can be so heavy, you see.”

“No worries, Nana.” he smiled, “Come on, lets get yer coat on …”

“Cheerio, boys – won’t be long!” the elderly lady announced on the way out the door and Alfie and Jake waved dutifully before finally letting their cheerful pretense drop.

“Right, lets get this cleared away first.” said Alfie, “And where’s Danny got to?”

“He went to check on Jody – she’s more upset than she’s lettin’ on, Alfie, I can tell.”

“Yeah, well, it ain’t like she ain’t got good reason …” Alfie sighed, “As long as Danny don’t go makin’ her worse – ya know what he’s like …”

“Look, Alfie, I know he don’t think things through, but … I warned him about not upsettin’ Jody and I think maybe I was too being too hard on him – he’s different when it comes to her …”

“Yeah, right.” said Alfie skeptically, “Just get this cleared up and I’ll go get them – we need to have a talk, get a few things straightened out.”


Leaving Jake to tidy up, Alfie rapped on the door of the bathroom with a flourish and tried to lighten the mood. “Hoggin’ the bathroom already, Jody? That’s women for ya …”

“I see escaping you lot is as impossible as ever,” she shot back, “It’s like Picadilly bleedin’ Circus in here!”

With a laugh, Alfie stuck his head around the door and couldn’t help registering surprise – in spite of what Jake had said, he half expected Danny to still be raging about their father and threatening to kill him, but instead he was just looking worried but remarkably calm with a protective arm still around his little sister.

“Uh … just thought I’d let ya know Nana’s gone shoppin’ with Spence so the coast’s clear …” said Alfie, shocked and saddened to see his youngest cousin in such a state when she was usually so bubbly. He didn’t really know what to say for the best – he didn’t think his jokes would have much effect right now. “Ayyy, come ‘ere and give us a hug, darlin’.” he sighed, holding out his arms and planting a quick kiss on the top of her head when she did as he said. “Yer with us now – where ya belong and ya don’t gotta worry about a thing.”

“Thanks, Alfie.” she smiled. “Just don’t start me cryin’ again – I must look a right mess …”

She slipped out of his embrace and glanced in the mirror again, pulling a face and wiping mascara smudges from beneath her eyes. “I hear the panda look is comin’ back in …” she quipped.

“Ya look gorgeous, darlin’.” Alfie assured her confidently, “Yer a Moon, ain’t ya? It’s in the genes!”

“Awww, Alfie – that your way of sayin’ I’m gorgeous?” joked Danny, getting a punch in the arm for his trouble.

“Oi, don’t make me bang your heads together!” Jody laughed as the two shoved each other around, pretending to fight.

“She would too.” warned Danny as they emerged from the bathroom and dropped onto the couch.

“Yeah, well, at least she wouldn’t do much damage to you!” Alfie teased, ruffling his cousin’s curly hair.

“Oh, that’s right – let me do all the work while you lot sit on your backsides!” Jake complained as he returned from the kitchen to see what all the laughing was about, but he smiled to see Jody looking more like her usual self and sat down on the arm of the sofa beside her. “Feelin’ better?” he asked softly.

“I’ll be fine, Jake, honest – bit shaky, but ya don’t have to worry.” she said with a smile.

“Course I do – that’s what big brothers are for.” he said before adding with a grin, “Besides, if I wasn’t worryin’ about you, I’d only be worryin’ about Danny!”

“I heard that!” his brother protested.

“Good - at least we know you’re not deaf then!” Jake retorted.

Laughing at her brothers bickering, Jody leaned back against the cushions with a smile. “It’s good to be back …”

“Ya mean it, sis? Awww, Jake, I think she missed us!” Danny grinned.

“Might have done …” she admitted, “Though sun, sea and sand are hard to beat …”

“But you’d rather be home?”

“Well, apart from the obvious …”

Danny instantly looked as if he was kicking himself for inadvertently bringing up a touchy subject. “Sorry, that was stupid …”

“I knew what ya meant, Dan – don’t worry about it.” she said, shrugging it off before asking a question which soon had them exchanging uneasy glances. “So when are you two gonna fill me in on what you’ve been up to?”


to be continued...

15-03-2005, 00:41
lol! that was great, it had me all like awwww and hahahaha. greatness! cant wait for more :)

16-03-2005, 20:28
This is amazing babes and has cheered me up slightly despite the bad news

18-03-2005, 00:28
“Us? What have we been up to? Oh, ya know – this and that …” Danny said vaguely, meeting his sister’s skeptical gaze with an innocent look. “What?”

“Nothing! I just know what you’re like.” she grinned, “And I dunno exactly why ya felt the need to suddenly drop in on Alfie, but I’m sure it ain’t just for a family reunion!”

“Well, things weren’t exactly great at home so we thought we’d get away for a bit …” said Danny quickly, settling for the half-truth though he hated bringing up a subject which was obviously going to hit a nerve.

“Guess I know that’s true …” Jody sighed, looking down at her hands and missing the fresh worry on the faces of those around her.

“So … d’ya wanna tell us exactly what happened?” Jake asked gently, deciding it might be better for her in the long run if she got it off her chest instead of bottling everything up.

“Jake! It’s ok, Jody, ya ain’t gotta talk about it if ya don’t want.” Danny said, not wanting to upset her further by making her dwell on it.

She bit her lip nervously, but nodded slightly. “It’s probably better that ya know – anyway, you’ve already seen enough to know most of what happened so you might as well get the whole story. There ain’t much to tell ya ain’t already gonna have worked out for yourselves …” Not really knowing where to start, there was a long pause as the girl played distractedly with a ring on her right hand, twirling it around and taking it off and putting it back on repeatedly though barely aware of what she was doing. Then out of nowhere – “You two know what it’s like – with mum, I mean. Alright in small doses, but more than that does your head in. She tried to get me to stay longer – maybe she was getting used to having someone she could drag out clubbing when Christos wasn’t around …”

“Christos?” Alfie smirked before he could stop himself, but Jody just looked up with a wry grin.

“Yeah, that’s the new boyfriend – it means Christ apparently and boy, does he ever reckon he’s God’s gift! But anyway, when I’d had all I could take, I told mum I was homesick and she finally got me a flight back – at the most ungodly hour of the morning, I might add. I tried ringing to tell ya, but like I said, I couldn’t get hold of either of ya.”

“Did you try ringing the house?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, but there was never any answer. I did start to think something might be wrong, but I thought you’d have rang me if there was … I rang before I left mum’s, before I got on the plane, the minute we touched down, the whole way home, but no go. And when I got home …” she trailed off, looking as if she was reliving that moment in her head.

She tried to turn her key in the lock, but found that to be unnecessary as the door simply swung inwards under her touch. Warning bells were already sounding in the back of her mind – had something happened, a break-in, an accident? But it wasn’t enough to make her any more than a little cautious – not yet.

“Hello?” she called, not too loudly though in case her dad was in – he didn’t like being disturbed and she didn’t want to have come home only to put herself straight in his bad books. “Anyone home?”

Getting no response, she dropped her bag at the foot of the stairs and wandered into the living room only to be stopped in her tracks by what she saw. They’d never exactly been a tidy household, but this was a new level of chaos – even for them. Take-away wrappers everywhere, old newspapers simply discarded on the coffee table but, more worryingly than that, beer cans crumpled and thrown on the floor, an empty vodka bottle on top of the television and an almost empty bottle of Scotch beside the sofa – the stale smell of Chinese food and chips, almost hidden under the smell of alcohol. And that was a smell she had learned to dread in this house.

“He must have got worse after we left …” Jake said, a grim look on his face.

“It was as bad as I’ve ever seen it.” Jody said softly, “And I’d thought I’d seen it pretty bad. So anyway, I had a look around …”

She walked across the room, surveying the extent of the mess and wondering how long this had been going on for when she heard the sound of glass cracking under her feet. She looked down and saw a framed photo of herself and her brothers when they were younger – she was in the middle, an arm around each of their necks, laughing as between them they lifted her off her feet. It had been knocked to the floor and the glass was shattered, but the photo itself was relatively unscathed and she bent to pluck it from amid the shards, pricking her finger as she did so with a little hiss of pain.

Straightening up, her injured finger in her mouth, she made her way into the kitchen and, as expected, found it in much the same state as the living room. Now increasingly worried, she turned on her heel and headed for the stairs.

“Danny?” she said softly as she peeked around the door of his room, seeing the same disarray as was throughout the rest of the house, minus the smell of alcohol.

She sighed in frustration and called Jake’s name as she had a quick look in his room with no luck there either. She turned in the doorway with the intention of going to her own room, not expecting to find her brothers there either but just wanting to see if it had also been trashed as seemed likely. However, as she left Jake’s room, she was just in time to meet the figure climbing the stairs and shrieked in fright at the unexpected encounter, the cry dying on her lips when she recognised him.

“Dad …” she stammered.

“He stank of booze,” she recalled clearly, “Looked like he hadn’t shaved in weeks. Or changed. And his eyes were all blood-shot – he looked awful. So I told him.”

“Told him what?” Danny prompted curiously.

“What a prat he was. I know, Jake, I know.” she sighed, not giving him time to tell her off. “It was stupid, but he scared me appearing like that and he started in on me about taking off and I just … I gave as good as I got. Stood up to him for once.”

Jake shook his head in disbelief, not really knowing how to react – part of him was angry with her for acting without thinking like that, a tiny reluctant part of him was proud of her, but mostly he was just worried for her.

“Ya just don’t think, do ya?” he said, trying to be firm and make her see she couldn’t behave so recklessly.

“Oh, leave it out, Jake – the bloke deserved it!” Danny declared.

“Shut up, ya muppet – she follows your lead, ya know!”

“Erm, hello? Still in the room here!” Jody said in annoyance, “I can think for myself!”

“I wish ya would!” Jake retorted, “Would good did ya think it would do, huh? You two are as bad as each other and it’s always me who has to clear up the mess – well, I’m sick of it!”

“I … I didn’t think he’d do this …” Jody tried quietly, surprised to see the usually calm Jake so wound up.

“Course not!” he said sarcastically, “The violent drunk? Nah, he’s gonna see the error of his ways and apologise, ain’t he?”

“Jake …”

But ignoring the pleading tone of his little sister’s voice, he had already got to his feet and stormed into the kitchen, leaving his siblings and their cousin shocked by his uncharacteristic outburst.


to be continued...

19-03-2005, 12:48
OOOOH WOW! Can't wait for more. and angry jake, scary!

19-03-2005, 23:21
This is brill babes you know I love it keep it comin

24-03-2005, 18:10
absolutely brill, i need more

17-04-2005, 00:03
Sorry this has taken so long to update - still, better late than never! ;)

“He’s right – this is my own fault.” Jody said, sounding close to tears again.

“He … he didn’t mean … he’s just …” Danny tried to console her, but he was more than a little thrown at finding himself in the unusual position of being the one left to pick up the pieces – he was much more accustomed to being the one storming out and often slamming a door or two for good measure. This was new territory … “He’s just wound too tight, things have been a bit mad recently – he’ll calm down.”

But Jody shook her head dismally, “He’s really angry with me, Danny, and so he should be. I could have made sure this never happened …”

“Don’t, JoJo,” said Danny, irritated that Jake had succeeded in upsetting their little sister again – he was supposed to be the sensible one after all! “Listen, I’m gonna go talk to him …”

“No, I should,” she insisted, “This is my mess.”

And before he could stop her, she was already up from her seat, across the room and disappearing into the kitchen.

“What?” asked Danny, noticing Alfie wordlessly shaking his head.

“Nothin’, mate, nothin’ – just imaginin’ what life must be like round your place!” Alfie answered, unable to wipe the bemused look off his face at the ups and downs the three siblings always seemed to go through. For once, looking out for Spencer didn’t seem so hard!


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jake was leaning heavily on the table, shoulders slumped and head down. He was already regretting flying off the handle, knowing their family already had more than its fair share of tempers – no one needed him turning out to be just as bad, especially not Jody. With his back to the door, he neither saw nor heard his sister tentatively approach and was not even aware of her presence until a hand came down lightly on his shoulder, making him jump.

“I know I screwed up and I’m sorry …” she said softly, “Please, Jake, I know you’ve got every right to be mad at me but … I hate it when we row …”

“We’re not rowing …”

“Only ‘cause you’re too angry to even talk to me!” she exclaimed, before taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. “I shouldn’t have done what I did - it just … when he’s shouting at me like that, taking the moral high ground even though he’s the one who’s blind drunk and making a fool of himself, it gets to me. How he thinks he has the right to criticise …”

Jake turned slightly, realising that now they were getting to what really lay behind his sister’s unwise actions. “What did he say this time?”

“Ya don’t wanna know. Really.” she said, shaking her head slightly. “It don’t matter now.”

“It mattered enough for you to end up like that.”

“Yeah, well, like you said – stupid.”

“I didn’t say …”

“It’s what you meant. And you were right.”

“Jody … Look, I shouldn’t have went off on one like that.” Jake admitted reluctantly, “But ya gotta see it from my point of view – you and Danny, you’re both the same. The two of ya rush into things without ever thinking it through and, nine times out of ten, ya only make it worse! Last time things were this bad, you saw the state Danny ended up in and now you go putting yourself in the same position! And I wasn’t there to pick up the pieces until it was too late – what if he’d really, and I mean really, hurt you?”

“But he didn’t, did he?” she mumbled. “And it ain’t your responsibility to run round after us anyway.”

“Yes, Jody, yes it is!” he insisted, “I’m the oldest and I promised I’d take care of you, both of you, but how can I when you seem to go out of your way to make it hard for me?”

“I’ve said I’m sorry, Jake …” she tried, dropping her gaze to the floor. “I didn’t mean for this to happen …”

“I know, I know.” he sighed, seeing he was only going to upset her if he kept pushing the issue. “Things have just been a bit …”

“Mad? Danny said. So what’s the story really? What’s been going on?”

“Bit of trouble with a deal back home so we had to disappear sharpish. Only Danny reckoned he’d go he whole hog and nick the money while we were at it …” Jake explained, before shaking his head as Jody rolled her eyes. “But hang on, it gets better – the bag he took had a stash of drugs in it so he came up with some ridiculous plan to get rid and Spence ended up in the clink!”

“No!” Jody exclaimed, her eyes widening. “Bet Alfie loved that!”

“Didn’t he just – it nearly blew our chances of crashing here for a while, but we got Spence out and it looks like we’re in the clear. For now anyway. Just don’t bring it up when Alfie’s about – don’t wanna risk settin’ him off again now he’s calmed down. And Nana knows nothin’ about it, of course – keep it that way.”

“Course.” Jody nodded, “But what happens now? Alfie ain’t gonna want us here forever and there’s not room anyway … And did the two of ya bring much stuff? ‘Cos I just threw some extra stuff in one of the bags I brought back from mum’s, so unless Walford’s set to get a heatwave in the next few days …”

“To tell ya the truth, JoJo, I ain’t really plannin’ much ahead at the minute – I’ve been winging it since we left home …” Jake admitted before straightening up and forcing a grin onto his face. “We’ll worry about it tomorrow – for once I’m gonna follow the example you and Danny set.”

“Oh yeah?” his sister said sceptically, “And how ya gonna do that?”

“I’m gonna make sure we head down the pub and forget about everything – I’ve had enough of stressing out lately to last me a lifetime!”

“See, big bruv – ya ain’t so different to me and Danny after all!” Jody grinned, leaning over to hug him. “And it’ll all look better in the morning anyway, you’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right, Jody, I hope you’re right …”


to be continued...

17-04-2005, 00:20
Wow this is amazing I'm so glad you posted more and hopefully you will post even more its wkd

21-04-2005, 09:16
Just caught up. Don't know how on earth i missed this one. FANTASTIC!!! :cheer: :cheer: :thumbsup: :cheer: :cheer:

PLEASE keep it coming :bow:

22-04-2005, 14:27
WOW WOW WOW brill ave just caught up

07-06-2005, 20:31
wow amazing but can we have more?? please please please lol xxxx amelia

01-07-2005, 14:07
this this great when are you going to post more please

03-07-2005, 21:23
Thanks to everyone who's reading!

“Ya sure yer gonna be alright on yer own, Nana?” asked Alfie as he fixed the collar of his shirt and grabbed his leather jacket from the back of the sofa. “We can stay in if ya’d rather, darlin’ …”

“Oh no, darling – you all go and enjoy yourselves!” she protested from where her grandson had enthroned her in what passed for their comfiest armchair in front of the television with a mug of tea. “There’s a lovely old film on and I shall be quite happy watching it.”

“Well, ya know what I’ve told ya about stayin’ up too late.” Alfie teased, leaning down to kiss her cheek before straightening up and checking his watch. “D’ya know I thought Jody would be murder to get out of the bathroom, but she ain’t a patch on that brother of hers!” He strode over to the bathroom door and hammered on it loudly, “For cryin’ out loud, Daniel – I could ‘ave grown a beard in the time it’s taken you to shave! Get a move on, will ya!”

“Alright, alright – calm down! Ya wanna watch it, Alfie, you’re turning into a right old woman!” came the reply from the bathroom before Danny emerged, running his fingers through his still dampish hair.

“Is that my aftershave I smell?” his cousin demanded.

“I didn’t think you’d mind me usin’ it …”

“Using it’s one thing – you must have marinated in it! Flippin’ heck, Dan – the birds up west’ll smell ya from ‘ere! Just go tell Spence and Jake to hurry up, will ya? And, Nana, ya couldn’t see if Jody’s nearly ready, could ya, darlin’?”

“Of course, lovey – won’t be a second.” She replied but, before she could even get up from the sofa, Jody emerged from Nana’s room where she had been getting ready.

“Not keepin’ ya waitin’, am I?” she grinned.

“No more than those brothers of yours. Or Spence, for that matter. Oh, ‘ang on – they might actually be ready! Drumroll, please …”

“Getting impatient in our old age, are we, Alfie?” asked Jake when they were finally all stood in the cramped living room.

“Just want to get there before I’m too old to enjoy meself, Jacob.” Alfie said, playing along. “I guess some of us just don’t have to go to such a lot of trouble to look good, eh boys?”

“Don’t know when to make the effort, ya mean.”

“Right, boys, less bickering – lets get goin’.” Jody instructed, “See ya later, Nana.”

“Have a lovely evening, darlings.”

“Oh we will.” Danny grinned confidently, “We always do …”


“So this is the famous Queen Vic then …” said Jody as they made their way towards the bar.

“Infamous, more like.” corrected Alfie, a wistful look crossing his face for a second but not managing to go unnoticed by his young cousin.

“We could go somewhere else if ya want …”

“Nah, this is still my local, innit? It’s just a bit odd bein’ on this side of the bar.”

“Right, you lot go grab a table – I’ll get ‘em in.” Danny interrupted, banging on the bar to get some attention. “Five pints of your finest, barkeep!”

Behind the bar, Den Watts looked to his left and then his right as if he couldn’t actually believe he was being spoken to like that. “Thought I warned you two – this is my pub and you show some respect …” he growled.

“So it is still a pub then – all we want is some service.” Danny said cheekily, not in the least bit bothered by the landlord’s hostility.

“Ya wanna watch yer mouth, son, or it’ll end up on the other side of yer ‘ead!” Den sneered and Jake, having overheard, hastily grabbed the back of his brother’s jacket, knowing only too well what would happen if he didn’t.

“Den!” gasped Chrissie, appalled by his treatment of their customers and interrupting them hastily, “I’m so sorry, boys - what can I get you?”

“Just the five pints, love.” smiled Jake, wanting to avoid trouble for a change and so keeping a tight grip on Danny and not letting him go anywhere.

“Yeah, an’ ya might wanna tell HIM to consider himself lucky we don’t take our custom elsewhere!” Danny said loudly, looking pointedly towards Den.

“Well, maybe you should …” Den began, but he was distracted by the young woman who appeared beside the newcomers and pointed at him accusingly.

“Hey, I recognise that voice – you’re the bloke who answered the phone! Wouldn’t give me a straight answer or anything – you wanna work on your customer relations, mate.”

“Who the …” Den sighed, already looking bored of the whole situation. “Let me guess, she’s something to do with you two?”

“That’s our little sister so watch what you’re sayin’.” Danny warned.

“I just needed to know where Alfie was and he wouldn’t even tell me.” Jody continued, “I dunno how ya got Alfie’s job, but he’d be ten times better behind that bar than you! At least he knows how to treat people!”

“Oh, I’ve had enough of this – you either all sit down and shut up or you get out of my pub. Your choice – for now.” Den snapped impatiently.

“Would you lot go sit down?!” Alfie ordered, having stayed out of it for as long as possible, intervening only when it looked like things might get out of hand. “Den …”

“I don’t wanna hear it – I just hope you ain’t got any more family coming outta the woodwork, for your sake.”

And, for once, Alfie had to secretly agree with him.


to be continued...

04-07-2005, 19:51
wow brillaint as usual please post more soon I've missed this script

04-07-2005, 20:46
I have missed this script. Weird for Den to still be alive. All themoons. So many of them. More please

03-08-2005, 10:45
can you write more please i want to know if anything bad happens to the moon family please.

01-10-2005, 15:39
please write more

20-12-2005, 13:16
please post more its brill too