View Full Version : Jamie and Sonia (an alternative storyline)

28-04-2005, 00:18
I wasn't sure whether to put this under the Script or What if? section, but I have provided a little script so I thought this was the best.

(Alternative scenario)Jamie and Sonia's relationship

Her first time was so special, so unlike the ones her friends had experienced. She had had a little crush some time before but this was so different, It was the real thing. They were friends for about 5 months before they started dating, not in a million years did she think he'd fall for her, but appearances are deceptive and they were more alike than she had realised. Both had experienced bad childhoods. Now they had found somebody who could share their feelings of abandonment.

Jamie took Sonia out for a bag of chips on their first date, not exactly casanova stuff but special to her. They were both nervous, it was a big step going from friendship to love in one swoop. They dated for 3 months before Jamie tried anything on with her, that's how much he cared, it was such a special relationship and Jamie such a romantic guy. After his disaster first time with Janine, he knew he wanted this to be memorable, and knew it would be with somebody he really loved.

Jamie had prepared a romantic meal for Sonia at home, it was beautiful, candles on the table, and their favourite meal fish and chips lol. After dinner they settled down in the living room and listened to some music, and slowly but surely they started kissing, and there they made love. After it had happened they held each other for ages and talked about their feelings. It was such an important step for them both, and not something they had rushed into lightly.

Sonia & Jamie became ever closer & soon afterwards he proposed. Another romantic encounter which of course was ended with a yes. There wasn't any rush to get married, but it was exciting for the pair to dream about what their wedding would be like. A few weeks later Sonia found out she was pregnant, not a planned pregnancy but something she was excited about, Jamie wasn't as thrilled as she was. Despite loving her as much as he did, a baby wasn't something he wanted at this time. But of course he stood by her and they speeded the wedding along to 2 months later.

The wedding went without a hitch, which is totally unbelievable for a Walford Wedding (I know)! They couldn't afford a honeymoon, but Phil surprised them with a week in Corfu. As the months went on, it was getting closer and closer to the birth. Sonia was getting quite scared, and Jamie surprisingly excited, but very frightened.

Sonia 9 months pregnant beyond her due date, Jamie decided to go out and get them a video to watch, try and take their minds off things. As Sonia lay watching tv, Jamie crossed the road to the video shop. As he did so, he heard a car screeching round the corner, before anybody knew it, Jamie had bounced off the windscreen and onto the road below. He was unconscious, and the driver behind the wheel was Martin. Martin got out from the car and ran over to his side, trying to talk to him, see if he would awake, but he didn't, he just lay there.

At home Sonia goes into labour, and phones an ambulance. After she has left for the hospital her grandad comes in and finds a note which Sonia has left, telling him she has gone into labour. He has just recently heard about Jamie, and was on his way to tell her. He rushes to the hospital, and is forced to explain what has happened to Jamie, Dot turns up and guides Sonia through the birth. After she has had the baby, she insists she wants to see her husband. The family insist she should rest, but she cannot be calmed. Eventually she goes to see Jamie and he has at last regained consciousness. She brings their child to see him (who is a boy), and he cries. All the fear he felt drifted away, and all he's left with is love. After Jamie sees his son, everything seems so idilic for a while, like one big happy family, but Jamie dies soon afterwards. Everybody's heartbroken, not least of all Sonia, she decides to name their son Jamie after his father.

28-04-2005, 10:15
brill littlemo. are you going to post more or is it a one off? please post more!

28-04-2005, 13:57
brill littlemo. are you going to post more or is it a one off? please post more!

Thanks for the nice reply, I don't think it was that good though, I just made it up as I went a long. I hope to do better next time. And yes I should think I will be posting more. Thanks again x.

30-04-2005, 01:38
(Possible future for Martin & Sonia-alternative scenario)

Martin comes back from working all day on his stall to find his daughter sitting on the couch in his living room. As he moves in closer he can see the social worker sitting alongside her, with Sonia & his mum sitting opposite. Looking bewildered, Pauline says 'they have brought Rebecca back to stay', he again draws a blank. He sits down, and the social worker continues chatting about what the future will hold and everything they should expect. As the social worker leaves, Sonia thanks her. Alone at last.

Martin asks to talk to Sonia in private, and they go into the kitchen. He asks her 'what is going on?' he's in shock. Sonia says 'it has been decided that Rebecca is to stay with us'. He says 'but we are having a baby', she says 'I know but Rebecca is our baby too'. As the weeks go on they adjust to family life. Martin becomes ever more comfortable about being a dad, it is difficult but not impossible. When you love your child that's all that matters, and although the adjustment process wasn't very easy for Rebecca, she was getting used to being part of the family. Although they were having a child of their own, Rebecca seemed extra special to them. They had been separated from her for so long, they never wanted to lose her again. Time was precious, and they wanted to spend every second of the day with her.

Six months onto the pregnancy, the baby started kicking, as it did so, Rebecca put her hand on Sonia's stomach. Sonia and Martin wanted Rebecca to feel part of their family, and to know that whatever happened she would always be their first born and first love. Time could never change that, and it was important for her to know it. When Sonia went into labour, Martin was there in the delivery room. Martin hadn't watched a birth before and was very excited about it. It seemed scary but it was magical at the same time. He felt bad about missing the first one, but he wasn't going to miss this. As the baby was born, he started crying, it was a very emotional time for them both. They couldn't wait to ring and tell Rebecca and Pauline the good news. Martin was in tears over the phone, 'It's a boy, he cried', they decided on a name, they called him Joshua Art Fowler, Art was short for the Arthur, named after Martin's dad. But Art seemed a far cooler name. Arthur didn't seem right for a little baby.

They left the hospital ready to experience family life as a foursome. They were one big happy family, and things had changed forever. Martin and Sonia had two children now, it was going to be a handful.