View Full Version : Karls ressurection

19-03-2005, 15:18
Can someone sort out my confusion...

On Neighbours website for Australia last week on Wednesday it said that Karl dies in the episode guide.
Now for the week coming up it's saying that Izzy tries to persuade him she's changed and that Karl tells Susan about his near death experience

I also thought id share the love for those in Leeds like me...
He's coming to Walkabout Bar (near creation/fab cafe) on 26th May


Bad Wolf
19-03-2005, 15:21
it does look like he lives!! just looked on the neighbours and it confirms it

19-03-2005, 21:43
Yep, from what I've heard he technically dies, meaning more random camera movements showing his life slipping away while Susan flashes through his mind or something strange like that but he does get brought back from the brink, at least for a little while.Hope this helps :)

Crazy Gal 88
20-03-2005, 09:52
yeh hes signed another contract keeping him on our screens for at least another year